
The extended technical regulations of the EAEU: the business took decision

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Supranational regulation in the sphere of construction of Kazakhstan won’t be introduced on 1st of November 2017 A meeting of the Construction and Housing Committee of NCE RK "Atameken" chaired by Alexander Belovich took place. The Chairman of the Committee, Alexander Belovich, welcomed the participants and listed the issues on the agenda. Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov noted the active work of NCE with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and directly with the Vice-Minister Roman Sklyar.

"Today, out of ten topics chosen for holding meetings in the field of construction with business and authorized bodies, eight have already been held, and 80% of issues have been resolved and there is execution", - Ramzanov said.

The director of the construction department Aspen Dosmaganova noted that the positive dynamics achieved on the following problematic issues of the construction business community, the estimated pricing, control and oversight functions of government agencies, certain permits, granting rights to land for construction purposes.

Currently, the Construction Committee of NCE has accredited 12 associations, 26 representatives of which, members with the right to vote.

Vice President of the National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meyerbek Zhamankulov noted that for several years the member states of the EAEC can’t come to a common opinion on the draft technical regulations "On the safety of buildings and structures, building materials and products".

"Construction products in the form of buildings and structures can’t be regulated by supranational standards, it is not an object of mutual trade, they do not cross the borders of states", - Mayerbek Zhamankulov said.

In this part, Eldos Ramazanov emphasized that today the Chairman of the Manufacturing Industry Committee of NCE RK "Atameken" Vladimir Bobrov has been specially invited to the meeting of the Committee to jointly work out a unified position and send it to the authorized body.

"For today, our fears are that if we do not participate in this process, our goods will become indecent. Since there is a general technical regulation (buildings, structures and building materials), then we should either not join it at all, or join and participate. I support this position, but we need to take into account our national interests", - Bobrov said.

In turn, some members of the committee noted the need to amend the EAEU Agreement.

"The criterion of truth has always been a treaty. Why can we not exclude buildings and constructions from the technical regulations, because the contract clearly states "... for products not included in the single list, national mandatory requirements can’t be put forward ...". Accordingly, it is necessary to adjust the agreement of the EAEU", - explained his point of view Kanapiya Nurbaturov, chairman of the ULE "Association "Industrial Construction Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

As a result, the committee members by voting came to the conclusion that Kazakhstan's business, including the construction industry, supports the adoption of technical regulations, but on the condition that the member countries of the union will establish construction norms and rules at the national level. Business fears that any changes to the technical regulations or its applications will take a considerable amount of time, the standards will not be flexible and there is a risk of slowing down the pace of construction.

"In this regard, Atameken advocates the development of model building codes and rules that Union members can use without changing the editions or by adapting them taking into account the climate and other peculiarities", - Alexander Belovich said.

However, all members of the committee recognized that in order to implement this position, the National Chamber must initiate the need for the authorized body to introduce amendments to the 2014 Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union.

The issue of the volumes of private complex non-departmental expertise was also raised.

"As you know, according to the 47th step "The nation's plan - 100 concrete steps to implement 5 institutional reforms", a phased transfer of expertise is envisaged - up to 90% in a competitive environment. Currently, 60% of the volume of expert work is carried out by private expert organizations. By 2018, it is planned that the figure will reach - 70%, in 2019 - 80% and by 2020 - 90%", - Belovich said.

Comments on the scope of work of private expert organizations were given by Tasbolat Abdullin from the Association of Developers of Kazakhstan, noting that the majority of members of the National Chamber - expert organizations work in regions where construction and reconstruction of engineering networks are active and this type of facilities should be left in a competitive environment.

Members of the Committee unanimously decided that the construction of residential buildings up to 12 floors inclusive for areas with conventional geological conditions and up to 10 floors inclusive - in areas with increased seismic activity to be assigned to a private complex non-departmental expertise and the authorized body should transfer 70% scope of work.

"Private expertise should help private developers, investors, including foreign, business in general. To do this, this market was created", - said Alexander Belovich.

Eldos Ramazanov, referring to the leadership of the Chamber of Expert Organizations, noted that Atameken received various questions, including complaints about the activities of the Chamber. In this connection, the recommendation for the Chamber is to sit down at the general table of negotiations and solve problems in a consolidated manner. "Atameken receives appeals from expert organizations that are not members of the Chamber and note that the Chamber creates anticompetitive actions - unjustified amount of membership fees, the procedure for excluding their membership from the Chamber, the provisions of the charter, etc. ", - said Eldos Ramazanov.

Summarizing, Alexander Belovich announced the acute problem of the industry, which he raised before the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - is the availability on the market of companies with licenses, which have no experience at all.

"How to issue and who issues these licenses, by what principles - it is not clear. We, honest companies, compete with this flow is already becoming difficult. It is necessary to stop this", - concluded Belovich.

All members of the committee unanimously supported the issue and the need for its solution at a higher level.

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