
Rustam Zhursunov voiced the multiple business requirements

- City of Almaty
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On 2-3rd of November hosts the XII Kazakhstani forum of corporate lawyers

One of the main sessions of the Forum is held under the theme "Protection of entrepreneurs' rights and ethics of doing business: discussion of cases and proposals". Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" RK takes part in it. In his speech, he noted that since the establishment of the National Chamber, more than 21,280 applications have been received. Up to 40% of appeals have been resolved positively, billions of tenge have been returned to entrepreneurs. Leader among the state bodies on the number of complaints still remain SES authorities. Rustam Zhursunov stressed that today the task of Atameken is not to allow such disputes, to resolve issues in a pre-trial order, to cultivate the system of arbitration. "We are accumulating problems from all over Kazakhstan.

There are regional problems that can be solved on the ground, there are systemic issues, we keep them under control. Every year we tell the state what problems we have. There are a lot of questions in construction, in medicine. On 22nd of November  is scheduled a reporting session with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where we will talk about such problems. If they are not tolerated, they will not be decided", - said Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

He stressed that the National Council had solved 64% of the total number of systemic problems, 148 issues - at the decision stage.

"In September, the forum of business ombudsmen of Russia and Kazakhstan was held. We invited Boris Titov, met with business ombudsmen from all regions of Russia, exchanged experience. In the same place, the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan signed an agreement according to which they took the initiative to participate in the decisions of all systemic problems of business", - Rustam Zhursunov said.

The number of licenses and permits decreased by 72%. Work in this direction continues. "This year we have focused on the control and supervisory functions of state bodies. Currently, entrepreneurs have the right to check 61 state agencies that have 544 control functions and to entrepreneurs make more than 28 thousand claims. Figures outgrow, this "matryoshka", which has many layers. NCE has a department for dealing with administrative barriers, they deal with these issues on an ongoing basis.

Now there is a mechanical reduction of control functions. We need to move evolutionarily. We suggested reformatting the checks for preventive supervision", - added the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

 According to the proposed changes, already from the next year according to the results of the inspection the supervising body will not be able to bring the businessman to responsibility - he will be obliged to give recommendations on elimination of the revealed violations. The entrepreneur will be punished only if he fails to eliminate them.

"Under the administrative code a lot of work has been done. The target indicators are reduction of requirements by 50%, reduction of the number of inspections by 30%", - stressed Rustam Zhursunov. Also one of the priority directions of Atameken is the examination of draft normative acts, which allows to take into account the opinion of entrepreneurs when they are adopted. "Out of the total number of comments and proposals of the National Chamber - 75% were removed by the state body in working order or by sending a second draft of RLA", - Rustam Zhursunov explained.

The deputy head of the National Parliament expressed gratitude to the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan that business was able to take part in the development of the new Tax Code. "I'm not saying that it's perfect. But those point items that we considered to be principled - they were approved. I hope that this will give an appropriate impulse. What is the peculiarity of the new tax code: the principle of conscientiousness of the taxpayer is introduced. A priori, all taxpayers are recognized as conscientious", - the speaker said.

In addition, the transfer of state functions to a competitive environment and self-regulating organizations (SROs) remains an important issue. "The state itself is a very serious organism, it has about 15,000 functions, some of which need to be transferred to the market. NCE also consolidates self-regulating organizations. We have 16 committees in each industry, we created the 17th Committee for SROs and start working with these organizations. SRO is an association on the shop, an association for production", - Rustam Zhursunov noted. We add that within the framework of the XII Kazakhstan forum of corporate lawyers, the participants analyze real cases, attend applied master classes, receive practical recommendations from the most authoritative lawyers-practitioners, leading Kazakh and foreign companies. The forum is a platform for networking, new business acquaintances and building business ties.


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