
Kazakh entrepreneurs become hostages of problems at customs

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Because of problems at customs, the law-abiding business community of Kazakhstan suffers. According to the deputy chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, Gosman Amrin, the problem at the border with Kyrgyzstan arose because of the large volume of goods flow with violations of customs, tax, phytosanitary and transport legislation.

This fact is confirmed by special monitoring of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Amrin said. "If joint work is not realized, Kazakhstan is forced to unilaterally carry out control measures. In the last visit of the governmental delegation of Kyrgyzstan, we continued the same format of action. First, we established uniform indicators of value, so that the goods in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan were at the same price, for which the same customs duties could be paid", - said Gosman Amrin.

However, as the deputy chairman of the committee explained, the Kyrgyz side replied that according to their legislation the Kazakh customs service can not enter their posts. Kazakhstan offered an information exchange, writes "We are trying to convince that the only way to solve is to work together. This will remove any insinuations, increase transparency. If they refuse, they will not give us information, they will not work with us, we will simply have to strengthen our control in order to prevent the flow of goods, violations of the law", - Amrin stressed.

In turn, Dina Mamasheva, Managing Director / Director of the Department of NCE RK "Atameken", noted that the Atamaken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs in general shares the concerns expressed about the problem of the flow of imported goods that are being cleared from the EAEU countries to Kyrgyzstan due to weak customs administration customs service of Kyrgyzstan. "The current situation gives rise to unfair competition, in which the law-abiding business community of Kazakhstan suffers. This in turn is unacceptable in the conditions of functioning of the EAEU, the main principles of which are the creation of a single market for goods and their free movement through the territory of the Union", - Dina Mamasheva said.

However, Atameken notes that additional control should not be aimed at strengthening control over Kazakh entrepreneurs, but on establishing cooperation between the customs authorities of both countries in terms of information exchange. In this connection, considering that the Kazakh entrepreneurs are the hostages of this problem, the National Chamber calls on both sides to work together only within the framework of the legal framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. "Corresponding norms allowing to ensure the necessary information exchange, including electronic declaration, transmission of preliminary information in electronic form, information interaction between the customs authorities of the EAEU countries, mutual administrative assistance to the customs authorities of the EAEU member states are laid down in the draft of the Customs Code of the EAEU, which has already been approved Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will come into force on January 1, 2018", - the expert said. Recall, industry associations of Kazakhstan express concern. In their view, the reasons for "dissatisfaction" on the part of neighbors are understandable: Kyrgyzstan is in great need of Kazakhstani raw materials and waste paper. Representatives of industry associations ask Atameken to make a proposal to limit the export of strategically important raw materials for the pulp and paper industry in Kazakhstan. Entrepreneurs hope that their proposal will be discussed at the next meeting of the interdepartmental commission and will find support.

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