
XIV Forum of interregional cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia will be held on 9th of November

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The forum will be attended by the Heads of State on 9th of November this year. In Chelyabinsk (RF) will be held the XIV Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia (hereinafter - the Forum) with the participation of Heads of State Nursultan Nazarbayev and Vladimir Putin. The business part of the forum will be held on the site of the plant "Russian Electric Engines".

The program provides for panel sessions where experts will discuss cross-border and interregional cooperation as a factor in the development of human capital, as well as intensification of cooperation in the development of the digital economy to build a single digital space for the Eurasian Economic Union. Within the framework of the forum, a scientific and economic conference was organized - "Actual basis of the development strategy of the Russian Federation", a forum of rectors of Russian and Kazakhstan universities and an exhibition on tourism.

16 Kazakhstani tour agencies and 5 artisans will take part in the exhibition. According to the established practice, within the framework of the Forum, an extended meeting of the Russian-Kazakhstan Business Council on the theme "The role of business in the development of human capital" is envisaged, where Ayan Yerenov, chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan, will act as chairman from the Kazakh side.

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