
Business seminars on retail export will be held in all cities of Kazakhstan

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They will be held between 13th of November and 22nd of December  Between 13th of November and 22nd of December 2017, with the support of NCE “Atameken”, Zoodel and Kazpost will conduct a series of free business seminars "Go online and trade around the world in eighteen cities of Kazakhstan. To participate in the business seminar it is necessary to register on the site "We invite all sellers of goods for business seminars organized with the support of NCE RK "Atameken". We will talk about modern sales tools via the Internet site. It is very simple to work on it: first you need to register and receive confirmation from the team ZoodMall.

After that, you can start placing your goods with all the necessary information (characteristics, delivery, prices, photos, etc.) and sell them to consumers around the world", said CEO of Zoodel CIS, Sardor Mukhamedaliyev. Until the end of 2017, Kazakhstan will launch a new electronic online B2C platform, which allows manufacturing companies, dealers, representatives of well-known Kazakhstan and world trade brands to offer their products without intermediaries for the consumer.

These are new opportunities for Kazakh consumers and SMEs in the retail sales market. The goal is to train SMEs in sales methods in the market of Kazakhstan and beyond - placing products on the website through a mobile application - promoting all products placed on ZoodMall through the world's international B2C trading platforms (Ebay, Amazon, Lazada, C-discount and t .d.), which will provide access to goods manufactured in Kazakhstan to hundreds of millions of customers per day. For Kazakhstani SMEs and physical persons, registration for participation in the program is free. For more detailed information, please contact: E-mail: +7 778 817 63 64

Schedule of business seminars 10:00 - 12:00


13 of November 2017

Atameken radio station, Satpayev str., 78, 2nd floor



15 of November 2017


RCE "Atameken", 35 md, building 2



17 of November  2017

Atameken, Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi str., 28


21 of November  2017

Atameken, 29, Abay str., 29



23 of November  2017

Atameken, Dostyk St., 18. BC "Moskva", 9th floor


24 of November  2017

Atameken, Ermekova str., 29


27 of November  2017

Atameken, 108, Abay str., 108


29 of November  2017

RCE Atameken, Masina Street, 67


30 of November 2017

NCE Atameken, Sankibai batyr av. 22K, BC Kazyn


4 of December  2017

Atameken, 93, A, Tole bi Street


6 of December  2017

Atameken, Kunaev bureau, 83/1 Atameken business center


8 of December 2017

Atameken, Al-Farabi 116


11 of December 2017


RCE "Atameken", 21 Zhambyl avenue, 1 floor, office 114



12 of December 2017

111 Gogolya St., Damu building


13 of December 2017

RCE "Atameken", 7 md, building 10. BC "Koktem Grand", 4th floor



15th of December 2017

Atameken, Lomov Str. 21


21st of December 2017

RCE Atameken, Pobeda Prospect, 6


22nd of December 2017

RCE " Atameken ", Abaya square (MNPS, Yasnoye), 5A


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