
The number of illegal products in Kazakhstan has doubled

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It is necessary to strengthen the control of products that come across the border. The director of the corporate affairs department of LLP “British American Tobacco Kazakhstan Trading”, Evgenia Yanovitsky, noted that there is an increase in illegal tobacco products in Kazakhstan.

"We conducted a study on the channels of receipt of products and the absolute majority, which now exists in Kazakhstan, comes allegedly from the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The study showed that last year the number of illegal products was about 0.7% of the total market. This year, the final result of the study is not yet, but we understand that illegal production has roughly grown somewhere in half", - commented Yevgeny Yanovitsky.

If you take illegal products that are on the territory of Kazakhstan at a volume of 23 billion - is about 345 million cigarettes, only 7 million packs per year in Kazakhstan.

It is necessary to strengthen the control of products that enter the border between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. According to the speaker, control measures should be strengthened for the reason that different countries have different rates of excise, and accordingly it is necessary to limit the possibilities of moving productive products between the EAEU countries. The excise (franc accise, from the Latin accido pruning) is an indirect nationwide tax, which is established mainly on objects of mass consumption (tobacco, wine, etc.) inside the country, in contrast to customs payments that have the same function, but on goods delivered from abroad, that is from other countries.

Industry associations of Kazakhstan also express concern. They ask Atameken to make a proposal to limit the export of strategically important raw materials to the pulp and paper industry of Kazakhstan. Entrepreneurs hope that their proposal will be discussed at the next meeting of the interdepartmental commission and will find support

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