
Union of Poultry Farmers in Kazakhstan is concerned about availability of contaminated meat on the market

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Union of Poultry Breeders of Kazakhstan together with government agencies struggles with the spread of infectious diseases

According to the president of the Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan, Ruslan Sharipov, on the shelves of Kazakhstan, it is often possible to see relatively cheap and often injected poultry, infected with salmonella and other diseases. Through Kyrgyzstan, illegal domestic poultry products from China enter the domestic market.

"In 2013-2014, at large markets, we detected a Chinese fillet of ducks imported through Kyrgyzstan. In this connection, we sent a letter to the Veterinary Control Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a result of which Chinese poultry products were seized and destroyed. Currently, the market continues to sell banned poultry products", - said Ruslan Sharipov.

For more than 10 years China is not well-off for avian influenza and Newcastle disease.

"It is forbidden to import feed and poultry products. In the case of possible infectious diseases of Newcastle disease and avian influenza, this can lead to a complete halt of the enterprise, and in some cases up to the destruction of the poultry head", - the president of the Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan said.

This causes concern of the poultry industry of Kazakhstan against the introduction and spread of especially dangerous and infectious diseases and the bird flu virus.

"Today, the epizootic situation of especially dangerous and infectious diseases of animals and birds in the Republic of Kazakhstan remains safe", - said Ruslan Sharipov.

Industry associations of Kazakhstan also express concern.

They ask Atameken to make a proposal to limit the export of strategically important raw materials to the pulp and paper industry in Kazakhstan. Entrepreneurs hope that their proposal will be discussed at the next meeting of the interdepartmental commission and will find support.

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