
The Issuer of Level 2 for labeling products made from natural fur was identified on a competitive basis in Kazakhstan

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"Atameken" on a competitive basis determined the Issuer of the 2nd level. NCE RK "Atameken" on a competitive basis determines the Issuer of the 2nd level, which carries out the personalization of control (identification) signs within the framework of the pilot project for the introduction of marking of products made from natural fur. On 3rd of November this year at Atameken site was conducted a tender to determine the issuer of the 2nd level on the basis of the Rules for the implementation of the pilot project for the introduction of marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the heading "Articles of clothing, clothing accessories and other articles of natural fur" (! / doc / 115081 / rus). As a result of the competition, the commission determined the winner in the person of the company LLP “ISKER AKPARAT”.

The definition of the 2nd level issuer was one step closer to launching the "Labeling of goods" information system in Kazakhstan, which is planned in the near future after the completion of a number of technical and organizational works. Since the launch of the information system in commercial operation, 90 calendar days are envisaged for mandatory labeling of the remains of fur garments, since only fur products with inscribed control signs can be in the sales turnover.

In this regard, the Chamber encourages domestic entrepreneurs engaged in the production, import and sale of fur products (HS code: 4303 10 901 0, 4303 10 902 0, 4303 10 903 0, 4303 10 904 0, 4303 10 905 0, 4303 10 906 0, 4303 10 908 0) to carry out an inventory of the available product balances and will prepare to launch a pilot project on labelling on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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