
The business is ready to assume state functions in the sphere of hunting

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"Atameken" discussed the introduction of the institute of self-regulation in the activities of hunting entities On 14th of November, a public discussion on the transfer of functions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to self-regulating organizations was held on the Atameken site. The event was attended by Managing Director - Director of the Department of Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation of NCE RK "Atameken" Aizhan Bizhanova, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and business communities. Aizhan Bizhanova, opening the meeting, noted that the work is being carried out within the framework of the 97th Step of the Nation Plan.

"We analyze the readiness of the market, we keep statistics. The main task is to consolidate the entities of entrepreneurship in order to make some commitments and opportunities so that they can adequately implement state functions", - noted the managing director and director of the department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE RK" Atameken ".

The main expert of the Department of Wildlife and Hunting of the Committee of Forestry and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuat Chumakayev informed that the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan is ready to transfer 7 functions to a self-regulating organization today.

"We offered 29 functions that we can take. But we agree with the Forestry and Animal Economy Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan first to regulate the 7 issues related to business", - said Alexander Berber, Director General of ALE "Republican Association of Hunters 'and Hunting Enterprises' Kansonar".

During the meeting, a model of self-regulation in the activities of hunting entities was presented.

"The main three competencies of the SRO are the development and approval of the SRO rules, monitoring of compliance by members (participants) of the self-regulatory organization with the requirements of rules and standards. Also, consideration of cases of violation by members of a self-regulatory organization of requirements of rules and standards, conditions of membership in SROs", - said Aizhan Bizhanova.

She added that additional proposals will be discussed and reflected in the analysis of the regulatory impact. Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Akmola region Kairat Sultanov noted the need to develop hunting farms to attract tourists. In the Akmola region there are 125 hunting farms, 3 national parks and 1 nature reserve. The General Director of ALE "The Republican Association of Public Associations of Hunters and Hunting Entities "Kansonar" added that there are many problems in the industry.

"According to the legislation, the work was carried out, in June 2017, a law on the plant and animal life was issued, including the possibility of digestion. The Association provides for the participation of the association, but sometimes it is ignored. Now the role of the SRO is growing, which means that no normative legal act will be taken into account without us", - Alexander Beber explained. He also stressed that now the most promising is game breeding and foreign hunting.

We must work on the issue of certificates, foreign hunters can not hunt, because the transfer of weapons is prohibited. Representatives of the industry from the regions asked about the pricing, since when issuing quotas it is one cost, another is presented for the shooting.

"It all depends on many factors. There is no uniform price", - said the Chief Expert of the Department of Animal World and Hunting Management of the Committee of Forestry and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Today's meeting is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm glad that those functions that already exist can be added. In the future, we must work fruitfully", - the representative of the hunting farm of Kostanay expressed gratitude.

Aizhan Bizhanova summing up the results said that now it is necessary to work out specific solutions.

"We will wait for the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to draft a program for the development of the industry, send it to the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs, so that they familiarize the hunting farms that are not part of the Kansonar. Further we will transfer the project to "Kansonar", so that they also made proposals on the development of this sphere. In the concept, we will provide a separate block for SROs", - concluded the managing director - the director of the department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE RK "Atameken ".

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