
Entrepreneurs will not be fined for unintentional offenses

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The Mazhilis approved the return of the institute of liberation from administrative punishment for insignificant offenses On 13th of November 2017 the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the meeting of the working group on the draft law "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Violations" at the suggestion of NCE RK "Atameken" approved the return of the institution of liberation from administrative responsibility for a minor offense.

At the same time, and during the approval of the draft law in the Mazhilis of the Parliament, some state bodies did not support the introduction of this institution. In addition, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan proposed to restrict significantly the application of the institute of exemption from liability, to which NCE RK "Atameken" categorically objected. Despite this, during the stormy and long discussions, the deputies finally approved the institution of exemption from administrative responsibility for insignificant offenses.

The voice of entrepreneurs was heard at the highest level. In connection with the adoption of the draft law, if an administrative offense is committed unintentionally or the offense is insignificant and did not cause significant damage to the state budget, to the life and health of people - state bodies and judges may not bring entrepreneurs to administrative responsibility and just issue a warning.

We would like to note that numerous complaints and appeals were received by Atameken Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, when large fines were imposed on entrepreneurs, in fact for petty and unintentional acts. For example, for the delivery of numerous reports, information, statistical data - with a violation of the terms of 1-2 days, for non-payment of money to the budget - in the amount of 1-200 tenge (failure to pay it was done unintentionally) or for violation of other formal requirements of legislation. The return of the institute of insignificance has an extremely important role for conscientious entrepreneurs, it will assist in the development of entrepreneurship in the country.

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