
People address to "Atameken" more often than to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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On 16th of November, an international scientific and practical conference was held at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An international scientific and practical conference on "Actual issues of ensuring public security and combating crime" was held in Astana on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Kalausha Begaliyev.

Parliamentarians, representatives of state bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, as well as Kayrat Toksanbayev, deputy director of the department for legal protection of entrepreneurs of NCE RK "Atameken", took part in the event. In his welcoming speech, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Andrei Lukin, noted the merits of one of the most prominent jurists of Kazakhstan, his contribution to strengthening law and order, the development of legal science.

Kalausha Begaliev is one of the most important figures in the history of the Kazakh prosecutor's office. A talented leader, a professional with a multifaceted talent, a prosecutor and a scientist. He devoted more than 30 years to the service in supervisory bodies, twenty of which he served as Deputy Prosecutor General.

The working agenda of the conference is devoted to topical issues of ensuring public activity and combating crime. Kayrat Toksanbayev spoke at the fifth section of the conference titled "Counteracting Corruption in the New Economic Conditions" with a report on strengthening the responsibility of officials. He spoke about the problems of business regarding appeals to state bodies.

"The problem is that an entrepreneur, when applying to the state agency, sometimes receives a reply. Therefore, entrepreneurs are forced to seek protection in other instances. During the existence of "Atameken" proved its worthness. According to the information of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the Prosecutor General's Office, during 2016 only 3892 complaints of entrepreneurs were received to all state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is 46% less than those received by the National Chamber”, - he said.

Systematic and consistent work is being done to counteract corruption in Kazakhstan, however, despite the anti-corruption measures taken, a number of unresolved issues remain.

“Atameken receives a lot of complaints. We are working with the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs. The efforts of the National Chamber restore the violated rights. Here the task is to strengthen the responsibility of officials for refusal to substantiate complaints", - Kayrat Toksanbaev explained.

The deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuanysh Sultanov stressed that working together with law enforcement bodies, civil society, public associations, we should achieve high goals in the rule of law, making the country modern and competitive. It is necessary that the main value of an independent state remains a person, his life and right.

Active discussions were held within the framework of discussion of problems, preventing juvenile delinquency, forming "zero tolerance" for offenses. Important issues were also issues of countering terrorism and extremism, corruption and embezzlement.

"Thanks to such scientific events, we honor the older generation of scientists, and we also receive and share theoretical knowledge and practical skills in countering crime", - said Askhat Bekishev, a doctoral student of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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