
Atameken has established bridges between the carrier and shippers

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Atameken has established bridges between the carrier and shippers

Atameken and KTZH signed an agreement on cooperation At the initiative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken", NCE in the person of the Deputy Chairman of the Board Eldos Ramazanov and the Joint Stock Company "KTZH - Cargo Transportation" represented by Chairman of the Board (President) Oralkhan Kulakov, in order to support the development of entrepreneurship. The parties agreed to take all necessary measures to provide the exporters of agricultural products of Kazakhstan with rolling stock.

It should be recalled that this proposal was voiced during the workshop chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov, with the participation of the leadership of JSC "NC" KTZH", representatives of state bodies and the business community, including from the regions of Kazakhstan through videoconferencing on 30th of October. The agenda of the meeting was the issue of the provision of freight forwarders of Kazakhstan with rolling stock.

"It is necessary to sign an agreement between the leadership of KTZH and Atameken and create working groups, operational headquarters in the regions under the leadership of KTZH-Cargo branches" - the Regional Branch of the State Enterprise, with the participation of the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs and regional rural administrations.


The subject of the Agreement is cooperation in the organization of transportation of agricultural products in the domestic and export communications, in the direction of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, China and other countries. Also, within the framework of the signed document, the parties intend to ensure transparency of transportation and uninterrupted transportation of grain and flour by rail, as well as work out questions on operational work at loading / unloading stations and take measures against unscrupulous companies that do not fulfill contractual obligations.

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