
Bakytzhan Sagintayev listened to the problems of businessmen of Zhambyl region

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During the meeting, the main issues of further improving the business environment were discussed. As it was mentioned, today more than 13 thousand business projects for the amount of over 800 billion tenge have been financed within the framework of state support measures, micro credits are provided to 18 million KZT with a nominal rate of no more than 6%. Legislative measures are also taken to deregulate the business. The Government has done a lot of work in this direction. The number of licenses and permits has been reduced by more than 3 times. More than 17.6 thousand requirements for the verification of SMEs have been reduced. Thus, the number of requirements for inspecting entrepreneurs is reduced by 57%. Particular attention is paid to the liberalization of health and education.

In 2017, more than 34,000 SMEs are exempted from sanitary and medical inspections of business. This year 447 private preschool organizations were opened. At the next stage it is planned to cancel more than 30 obsolete sanitary rules to health and education organizations. The Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov told about measures to support the SME.

"We have developed nine initiatives that have become a kind of road map for the development of regional business and allow us to work closely with local executive bodies", - said Tulemis Shotanov.

In turn, the members of the Regional Council announced the issues relevant to the development of the regional business. Larisa Safonova asked about the possibility of switching to the electronic format when asking for land, Esay Mukhiev - regarding the receipt of fuel from regional operators.

Guldara Nurumova raised the issue of subsidizing part of the rate of remuneration within the framework of BRM 2020 "Today, the extension of the term of the subsidy contract after 3 years is carried out on the basis of the bank's request. "Damu Fund" timely notifies STB of the need to comply with the requirements, but the above norm is not fully observed, which deprives the entrepreneur of the right to receive state support", - the businesswoman said. Members of the Regional Council also raised other topical issues: the development of industrial zones, the need to create centers for supporting the development of selection and seed crops, public procurement for the purchase of goods from secondary raw materials, harvesting and primary processing of wool.

 Deputy Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev, director of the international airport "Aulie-Ata" Taraz Daulet Hamzin, akim of Zhambyl region Karim Kokrekbayev, first vice-minister of agriculture Kairat Aytuganov, vice minister of national economy Aybatyr Zhumagulov answered the questions of entrepreneurs. In the end, Bakytzhan Sagintayev instructed the responsible to take control of all the questions and proposals of SME representatives and build a comprehensive work in this direction.

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