
Turkey is ready to invest 5 billion USD in Kazakhstan

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkey are ready for mutual cooperation.
On 22nd of November, a bilateral meeting of the Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Presidium, Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova and President of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkey Nezaket Emine Atasoy was held on the Atameken platform.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber, Board Member Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Chairman of the Board of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan Ayan Yerenov, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana Gani Tasmagambetov, representatives of business communities.


"Thanks to the assistance of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey, a fruitful cooperation has been established. There is a great interest of the Turkish business in our regional section", - Lazzat Ramazanova said.

Nezaket Emin Atasoy expressed gratitude to Kazakhstani colleagues for the warm welcome.

"We have come to strengthen trade relations between our countries. The Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkey operates in 100 countries around the world. We have branches in Africa and countries of Asia. We work not only in industrial and maufacturing areas, we are also involved in all sectors of the economy", - said Nezaket Emine Atasoy.

During the meeting Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", spoke about the priority directions of the financial sector, medicine and tourism.

"There is a very large Turkish capital in Kazakhstan. The hotel chain Rixos is the first five-star hotels in the country, working in 4 regions. Also in medicine there are large companies, and pharmaceutical plants. We are developing medical tourism. Kazakhstani students receive education in Turkey. NCE compiled a pool of 40 projects in the tourism industry. I think they will be interesting for investing in the Republic of Turkey. "Atameken" defending the interests of investors, working to improve the legislation", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

During the meeting, Lazzat Ramazanova and Nezaket Emine Atasoy signed a protocol of intentions between the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkey.

Lazzat Ramazanova noted that within the framework of the protocol, investments in the amount of 5 billion USD will be attracted to Kazakhstan. The Turkish side confirmed this message and added that the investment will be issued at 1.5%. The parties are ready to promote the development of trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey, taking into account the similarity of goals in terms of promoting trade, industry and investment, representing the interests of their business.

In turn, the chairman of the Council of the Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken", in order to optimize the work, offered Nezaket Emine Atasoy to open a representation of the Confederation in Kazakhstan. Turkey is ready to resolve this issue soon.

It is worth noting that the protocol involves the exchange and dissemination of information and publications regarding trade, assistance in economic cooperation related to the foreign trade of the two and the holding of a joint event for business development.

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