
Rustam Zhursunov: Disputes with state bodies are stress for business

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In Astana II Forum on business protection "Supervision of the Prosecutor's Office in the field of entrepreneurship" was held. The agenda of the event is the implementation of the "Roadmap" for business protection, approved at the I-Forum in July 2016. The Forum discussed how the implementation of the map influenced the "well-being" of entrepreneurs, talked about the upcoming plans and tasks for further improving the business climate in the country.

Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atamekhn" noted that the roadmap consists of 6 sections and 64 specific events. "Today a lot has been said about the humanization of legislation. Yes, a lot has been done and I would like to thank on behalf of entrepreneurs for that progressive draft law on the modernization and improvement of legislation, which is submitted to the Mazhilis of the Parliament. At the same time, there is a reserve, the figures speak for themselves. If in the first 9 months of 2015 186,000 businessmen were involved in administrative litigation, then for 9 months of 2016 - 240,000, and for the same period of the current year - 300,000. As you can see, the number of punished people grows in an arithmetic progression", - Rustam Zhursunov said. He noted in which direction it is necessary to move further in the opinion of Atameken. "First, the code contains 23 articles, which should be transferred to a civil law field in order to punish those responsible in a disciplinary manner. Secondly, the widespread use of the institution of confiscation (in 69 formulations), often based on the subjective assessment of the examiner, also requires revision. Thirdly, 44 of the composition do not contain a clear list of offenses, referring simply to the rules", - the speaker said. The other extreme is the incommensurability of sanctions for economic offenses. For example, for a number of articles in the field of customs, confiscation is provided as an alternative. And this is very demostrative.

"Particular attention is paid to strengthening the system of checks and balances. We consider it necessary to create a legal regime, when every entrepreneur can protect himself. Disputes between business and the state are a stress for business. We believe that the interests of business should become similar to the state’s interests", - Rustam Zhursunov believes.

"In the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru" the Head of State stressed that the world is changing and it is impossible to take a place in the advanced group, maintaining the previous model of consciousness and thinking. The question arises: which entrepreneur is conscientious and respectable, and which one is not? To answer this question, we are asked to develop the Code of Ethics for Entrepreneurs, which is a system of rules that regulate moral, ethical and ethical principles of business entities, such as: obey the laws, do not go to "shadow", pay taxes, do not give bribes, be socially responsible. These rules were adopted at the III Congress of NCE. Follow these rules and then you will be considered conscientious by NCE and the Prosecutor's Office will always support and protect you", - the speaker added.

He also spoke about the risk management system.

"This year, in order to implement the Address of the Head of State, the National Chamber, the Ministry of National Economy, state bodies, a lot of work has been done to deregulate the business and reduce its costs. Now the whole system of state control is based on the risk management system", - Rustam Zhursunov noted.

 The Deputy Chairman of the Board noted that no one knows exactly what SRM is, how it is formed, whether it works correctly. Few who can fully answer this question.

"We must plunge into this system, look at each type of control: taxes, customs, SES. Our ultimate goal is automation of the risk system. Digitalization of processes is a sure way to reduce barriers to business. In this regard, we suggest the translation of the legal and regulatory system to the "digital rails" with the creation of electronic codes and the connection of artificial intelligence for analysis and decision-making. For example, in France electronic codes have already been created, it is planned to introduce artificial intelligence in Russia", - Rustam Zhursunov said.

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