
"Atameken" made a statement at the forum "We are creating Kazakhstani brand"

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The Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan fulfills its promises This was reported by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev during the forum on business protection.

"Your contribution to the development of entrepreneurship is of key importance", -  Timur Kulibayev emphasized. –A big impetus in our work was the forum, which was held in June 2016. Then the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Marat Akhmetzhanov, gave the report a vision of further work of the state body, including that related to the protection of entrepreneurship. Then the business community took some cautious attitude to the innovations that were offered. The result of joint activity showed that all the promises made by the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan - they are being implemented. Indeed, today, prosecutors have become those with whom entrepreneurs find protection, receive qualified assistance in certain matters", - Timur Kulibayev emphasized.

The chairman of the Presidium of Atameken added that there are results also in other agreements with the Prosecutor General's Office: the creation of joint working groups, the analysis of the control and oversight functions of state bodies, and the analysis of legislation on barriers to entrepreneurial activity.

"Every year we visit the regions of Kazakhstan, where we hear opinions on the ground and everywhere we hear words of support for the law enforcement system. Relations between law enforcement agencies and entrepreneurs are changing, that is, from a punitive body it turns into an organ for the protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs", - Timur Kulibayev said.

He also added that during the first business forum with the participation of Russian colleagues, the guests really liked our experience and now they want to introduce it in their own country. "I think this is our joint success", - said Timur Kulibayev. Turning to statistics, the speaker reported a decrease in the number of initiated criminal cases.

"We have achieved a sharp reduction in the pressure of law enforcement agencies, the number of initiated criminal cases is reduced by 82% - from 7,900 to 1,400. (...) Detailed work was carried out for the supervisory and control bodies, today more than 30% of the function has been reduced. This is the result of big work", - said the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE.

For reference:

At the end of last year an amnesty was held, which allowed more than 640 businessmen to return to economic activities. As a result of the joint measures taken, a large number of systemic business problems were solved, of the identified 570 problems 362 have been resolved, 58 - will be resolved in the near future, the remaining 150 are worked out with government agencies.

The number of complaints in "Atameken" is reduced - if over 9 months of the last year we received more than 5400 calls, then for the same period of the current 4000 already. It should be emphasized that the content of appeals has changed. If earlier it was issues of land (12%) and taxes (9%), now it is mainly disputes between the entrepreneurs themselves - 20%.


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