
"Atameken" offers to appoint business checks without participation of officials

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The National Chamber asks to improve the risk management system

Atameken's statistics show that, despite the work done to deregulate the business, some government agencies maintain a high control load. The Deputy Chairman of the Board Rustam Zhursunov informed about this at the expanded meeting of the Presidium.

 "Thanks to the joint measures of Atameken and the Ministry of National Economy, we were able to cancel selective inspections and replace them with preventive control. Control functions of state bodies will be reduced by 30%, and the number of requirements to business by 56%. But this is only the beginning. On paper, the entire control system is "based" on the risk management system. What it is, how it is formed, whether it works correctly - few can fully answer. In this regard, we ask you to instruct the state bodies to conduct an analysis of the application of the risk management system. To begin with, we suggest taking the most problem areas - SES, fire, tax, customs, environmental and land control. The ultimate goal of the work should be complete automation of the system, when it, without the participation of an official, will determine the object of verification. We ask you to consider this issue before the end of this year", - suggested the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber.

As it was noted at the meeting, since the day of foundation, Atameken has carried out an examination of 18,000 legal acts, including 500 bills that affect the interests of business. Today, experts not only give comments, but make suggestions at the initial stage of working out the documents. As a result, the percentage of business sentences increased significantly from 30% in 2015 to 75% in the current one.

"The joint work has been done together with the Government to develop a new Tax Code. It is one of the most striking examples. Our proposals to reduce social tax rates from 11% to 8.5 were supported, keep the current threshold for VAT - 30,000 MCI, review the limitation period for business from 5 to 3 years, and others. This year the National Chamber took an active part in the development of the national Customs Code. Over 500 amendments have been made to the business, 60% of which have been approved", - Rustam Zhursunov said.

Also, the Government supported business concerns regarding implementation of MSHI in terms of delaying the introduction of the system to 1st of January 2020, reducing the interest rate of the social tax by 1.5% from 2018, and reducing the rate of contributions for individuals under civil law contracts: in 2020 year from 5% to 1%, up to 2% - in 2021.

Atameken now proposes to set a threshold for deductions to funds of no more than 15 MW from the employee's income, to reduce the rates of deductions of employers leaving at the level of 3% by 2022, and also to reduce the base for "idle" individual entrepreneurs to 1 MW instead of 2. All this will save entrepreneurs about 2 trillion tenge for 5.5 years.

Separately, Rustam Zhursunov noted joint work with the Ministry of Justice on the humanization of administrative legislation and with the General Prosecutor's Office on the humanization of criminal legislation. All these measures allowed reducing administrative fines for business by an average of 30% for 157 articles and reducing fines for criminal offenses by more than 2 times in ten articles. At the same time, according to Atameken, the front of the work is still great. For example, in the administrative code there are 23 articles that need to be translated into a civil law field, and the rule on the confiscation of property is often based on the subjective assessment of the examiner. All these issues require further discussion and revision, stressed Zhursunov.

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