
Business representatives must be present in all regional commissions - Bolat Palymbetov

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Such a measure will eliminate the problems in the allocation of funding

The problems raised in the regions were reported by Bolat Palymbetov, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, at an expanded meeting of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken".

One of them is per capita financing in kindergartens. Entrepreneurs complain that the per capita financing standard is not always approved at the district level. There are facts of understatement of the value of the funds to be paid. Although in the issues of public-private partnership, each side should be interested in developing relations.

According to Palymbetov, when the issue comes to signing contracts or acts of completed work, there are often unreasonable and sometimes far-fetched refusals to entrepreneurs. It seems that the official who makes a decision on the issuance of certain subsidies, gives them out of his own pocket, notes the Business Ombudsman. This situation gives rise to new complaints and resentment on the part of bona fide entrepreneurs.

"Members of the commissions for the allocation of funding are mainly employees of offices and departments of education. This situation does not ensure the transparency of the work of competitive commissions and creates conditions for corruption. To exclude such facts, it is necessary to include representatives of business in the composition of the commission on granting subsidies", - Bolat Palymbetov believes.

For example, in Astana and the Aktobe region entrepreneurs are members of such commissions, so there are no such questions. As the Business Ombudsman noted, this problem was separately discussed with the Minister of Education and full support was received on it. Questions with the transparency of the work of commissions are also available under subsidy programs of agricultural producers.

"In all commissions and working groups, representatives of the business community participate in the central government bodies. This makes it possible to solve many issues of entrepreneurship. By the same principle, it is necessary to ensure representation from regional business in commissions and working groups in regions, cities and districts. And in the composition of these commissions, business representatives should not just be present for a tick in the box, but should be given the right to vote. The business wants openness and partnership from local executive bodies", - summed up the Business Ombudsman.

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