
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan will award the best domestic producers

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Award ceremony for winners of "Altyn Sapa" and "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" competitions is held in Astana

The annual solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the competitions for the award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa", the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" and the competition on the social responsibility of business "Paryz-2017" is held within the framework of the Industrialization Day with the participation of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

101 companies are applying for the "Altyn Sapa" award this year. 144 enterprises - the winners of regional stages participated in the competition "The best goods of Kazakhstan".

The award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn sapa" is granted annually for achieving significant results in the field of quality of products or services, ensuring their safety, as well as for the introduction of high-quality methods of quality management by the organization.

In turn, the winners of the contest-exhibition "The Best Commodity of Kazakhstan" are determined in three nominations: "The Best Goods for Production", "The Best Goods for the Population" and "The Best Foodstuffs".

It should be noted that in order to create an additional form of support for enterprises improving the quality of their products, NCE RK Atameken established a special "Inker" award in 2015.

Also, the awards will be awarded to the winners of the competition for awarding the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly dala eli". The award was established in 2016 by NCE RK "Atameken" and is aimed at supporting domestic manufacturers focused on exporting products. The winners were chosen by Kazakhstani citizens through open online voting.

This year NCE RK "Atameken" for the first time established a special international award "Kemel Iskerlik" - "Business Excellence", which will be presented in the framework of the solemn ceremony. The partner of the nomination was the agency for international cooperation and development of Turkey "TIKA".

The organizer of the competition for the award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" since 2015 is the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

On the same day, with the participation of the Head of State, industrial, innovative and infrastructure projects will be launched in the framework of the Industrialization Day.

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