
Kazakhstani enterprises were awarded a special prize "Іsker"

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On 6th of December, in the framework of the annual ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Presidential Prize "Altyn Sapa" and the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan", the special award "Іsker" was awarded.

The prize was established by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" in 2015. It was awarded to enterprises that constantly strive to improve their products and improve its quality.

The winners of the special award of NCE RK "Atameken" "Isker" were:

  • LLP "Myrza-Khan" city of Astana. The general director is Suleimenov Yerlan.
  • LLP "Metal Prom Group" Almaty. The general director is Abdulkhalil Dolkuntai.
  • LLP "Joint venture "CASPI BITUM ". Mangistau region. Director General - Zhao Jingzhong
  • LLP “AZALA Textile”. South-Kazakhstan region, the city of Shymkent. Director - Sadikbekova Gulnara.
  • LLP "Aruana-2010". Kostanay region, the city of Kostanay. The general director is Sailaubek Alisher.
  • LLP “Astana-Tekhnadzor”. Astana city. Director - Tlemisov Erzhan.
  • LLP "Alensia". Jambyl Region. Director - Alexander Radushkin.
  • LLP AbdiIbrahimGlobalPharm. Almaty region. The general director is Hasanov Ziyatkhan.
  • LLP "Ural Trade and Industrial Company". West-Kazakhstan region. Director - Krylov Valery.
  • LLP "Shchuchin boiler-mechanical plant". Akmola region, the city of Shchuchinsk. Director - Akhmetov Marat.

The prize is awarded by companies from among the participants of the contest for the award of the President of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan", which achieved success in their activities.

This year NCE RK "Atameken" for the first time established a special international award "Kemel Iskerlik" - "Business Excellence", which was presented in the framework of the solemn ceremony. The partner of the nomination was the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency "TIKA". The award was given to the company "Agrofirma TNK" from Akmola region.

A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition for the award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" is held in Astana. The winners of the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" and the competition for awarding the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly dala eli" will be also awarded.

Leaders of state bodies, national companies, deputies, representatives of public associations, heads of large industrial enterprises, laureates of competitions took part in the event. On the same day, with the participation of the Head of State, industrial, innovative and infrastructure projects will be launched in the framework of the Industrialization Day.

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