
"Atameken" and the Supreme Court will enhance the legal culture of business relations

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The parties signed the Roadmap for joint activities for 2018

The event was held within the framework of the Forum on Improving the Effectiveness of the Judicial Protection of Business.

The document was signed by the Head of the Court Support Department Nurserik Sharipov and the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Within the framework of the Roadmap, the issue of observance of the basic principles of justice in courts will be subjected to expert analysis: competitiveness and equality of parties. The Supreme Court together with NCE RK "Atameken" will conduct public measurements of confidence in the courts by the business community.

It also planned to adopt measures to improve the legal culture of relationships in business. In particular, the legal support of transactions, ensuring the inviolability of the performance of contractual obligations, as well as the application of pre-trial settlement of disputes will be strengthened.

The signing of the Roadmap took place within the framework of the joint Forum on "Improving the effectiveness of judicial protection of rights and legitimate business interests". As the Chairman of the Supreme Court Kairat Mami noted, one of the fundamental foundations for implementing the policy of the Head of State is the proper institutional environment and the rule of law regime.

"This is impossible without proper legal protection and without property guarantees. This is the basis for cooperation between Atameken and the judicial system", - Kairat Mami stressed.




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