
Financiers of RK expand the horizons of knowledge

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Kazakhstani stock exchange conducted training on "Fundamentals of the stock market" for employees of financial and legal divisions of the company

The event was held on the site of NCE RK “Atamken” in the framework of the previously signed Memorandum of Cooperation.

The trainees received practical knowledge about the infrastructure and the main elements of the stock market, ways to attract financing and use of tools in managing the company's financial flows.

The training program was conducted free of charge. Listeners from the cities of Kazakhstan were able to participate in it in the mode of videoconferencing.

The speakers were Deputy Director of the Department for Work with Issuers and Investors of KASE, Elvira Sarsenbayeva, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Statistics of KASE Valery Hegay and Director of the Monitoring Department of KASE Victor Litvinov, Chairman of the Board of Centras Securities JSC Talgat Kamarov, Deputy Director of Investment Banking Department of JSC Kazkommerts Securities Olga Em and chief investment adviser of JSC Freedom Finance Alibek Nakipov.

For reference: Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) is the leading stock exchange in the Central Asian region and the only stock exchange in Kazakhstan, which operates on the financial market. This is a universal trading platform for repo market instruments, foreign currencies, government and corporate securities, bonds of international financial institutions, as well as derivatives.

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