
Businessmen are awarded with high state awards

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Entrepreneurs were congratulated by Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken"

The Chairman of the Presidium noted the high contribution of representatives of the business community to the process of formation of Independent Kazakhstan. He stressed that the successes achieved by the country was made possible thanks to the policy of the Head of State, the great attention paid by the President to the development of the economy and the support of entrepreneurship.

"We have preserved peace and prosperity, multiplied our opportunities, we are developing economy, culture, spirituality. Awards, which the Head of State allocated, is the work of all Kazakhstan, the work of your work collectives. You are the people who create the foundation of our country, our Independence", - Timur Kulibayev said.

On this day, awards were given for merits in state and public activities, a significant contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of the country, the strengthening of friendship and cooperation between peoples.

The Order of "Kurmet" was presented to the general director of JSC "Ansagan Petroleum" in Almaty city - Alfarabi Madizhan, the president of the private charity fund "Ayala" - Aidan Suleimenova, the founder of the educational center "Rauan" - Raikhangul Satabayeva, the president of ALE "Kazakhstani Association of the Building Materials Industry" - Maral Tompiev, director of LLP "Founding" - Sergei Timofeev.

Also, the order “Kurmet” was awarded to the member of the Management Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldar Zhumagaziev, the Order "Parasat" was awarded to the Member of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" Kuanysh Bishimov.

The medals "Yeren enbegi үshin" were awarded to the Director of ALE and SP "Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Organizations of the South Kazakhstan "Damu" - Khadisha Alzhanova, President of JSC "Asia Auto" - Erik Sagymbaev, Chairman of the Taldykorgan City Council of Entrepreneurs - Banyamin Fayzulin, Managing Director of LLP “KazMunaiGaz Onimderi”  - Tulemis Shotanov.

Timur Kulibayev presented medals of NCE RK “Atameken” “For loyalty to work of the second degree” to the member of the Board, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber - Eldos Ramazanov and the Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nurzhan Altaev. Medal of NCE RK "Atameken" "For loyalty to work of the third degree" was presented to Dana Zhunusova, member of the Management Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK.

"The first successful projects implemented by Atameken are also a common work. And I'm very grateful to you for the fruitful work", - Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber, congratulated the awardees.

Honorable letters on this day were awarded to the general director of LLP "Knauf Gips Taraz" - Myrzabay Beknazarov, director of LLP "Provisor" - Fedor Zverev, director of LLP "Zaman and K" - Khazhedin Izmailov. Letters of gratitude were presented to the business trainers of the Bastau Business project Azamat Makhanalin and Kuanyshbek Erniyazov.

At the end of the ceremony, Timur Kulibayev wished the awardees new successes for the good of the country, good health, and family well-being.

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