
Some procedures will be abolished in the construction sector

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Since the new year, there is no need to agree drafts and projects of engineering networks with monopolists

On 13th of December 2017 at NCE RK "Atameken" were presented legislative amendments, which are expected by the construction sector of Kazakhstan in 2018.

The meeting was opened by Aspen Dosmaganova, Director of the Construction Department of NCE RK “Atameken”.

"It is known that last year Kazakhstan took the 22nd place in the indicator "Construction Permit ", this year this indicator decreased and we took 52nd place, having gone down to 30 positions. The fifth package of legislative amendments, many procedures were abolished, time was optimized, and reduced. But this year, not only the respondents from Astana and Almaty cities, but also entrepreneurs from other regions participated in the World Bank poll: Karaganda, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan region, South Kazakhstan region, Kostanay, Pavlodar. As a result, it was revealed that local executive bodies misinterpret and apply the current legislation norms", Aspena Dosmaganova said.

NCE collected all regions through video conferencing to explain the legislative initiatives envisaged in the 6th package of amendments - the draft law "On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Improving Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity", which has already been submitted to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was recognized as urgent.

Almas Yydrosov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee Committee for the Construction of Housing and Communal Services MID RK also delivered an introductory note, adding that "the main proposals affect architectural legislation, but there are provisions that will make changes to related legislative acts, for example, in the sphere of natural monopolies. The draft law is aimed at optimizing the procedures for obtaining permits for construction, takes into account the results of the analysis that showed the existence of hidden procedures.

"The main points of optimization of 19 procedures in the framework of Doing Business on the indicator "Obtaining a building permit" were explained at the round table by the Committee for the Construction of Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for example, the innovations will lead to the abolition and optimization of the following procedures:

- coordination of outline designs;

- coordination of engineering communications projects with subjects of natural monopolies;

- Inspections by the GASK bodies after the notification of the start of the SMR;

- registration of the acceptance certificate in the architecture;

Clarifying questions were asked from the sites of the Regional chambers of entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan region,

In general, the business community positively took note of the voiced initiatives.

Serik Rustambekov, Vice-President of the National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, expressed his position on abolishing the coordination of the draft project

"As a designer, I'm" For ", it's convenient for me, the fewer the approvals, the better. But as a citizen, and also taking into account the interests of the city, the appearance of cities, I have fears - what can the development of settlements be? ", - Rustambekov asked.

Aspena Dosmaganova raised the issue related to the procedure for the development and adjustment of detailed design projects, noting that a corresponding amendment is also available in the draft law, which prohibits the adjustment of PDD to its full implementation.

"This issue needs to be considered, since there are risks that entrepreneurs will receive refusals to change the purpose of the land, and, accordingly, to build an object", - Aspena Dosmaganova said.

Gulzhan Kivenova from the akimat of Astana city suggested the following: "Either to shorten the validity period of PDD, or not to extend this ban to the capital".

"After the Law comes into force, we have to work on introducing amendments and additions to subordinate regulatory legal acts, in particular, 750 Rules for the organization of construction and the passage of licensing procedures in construction. In this connection, I ask the business community through NCE to send concrete proposals", Almas Idyrisov added.

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