
From 1st of January 2018, all customs procedures will be shifted into electronic format

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According to entrepreneurs, there are risks that put the input of IS "Astana-1" into question

From 1st of January 2018, all 17 customs procedures should be shifted to the rails of electronic declaration, the pilot project "Astana-1" should be scaled across the entire territory of Kazakhstan. The first pilot in the customs procedure of customs transit The State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the RK was launched this October. Only since 28th of November the pilot began in the remaining 16 customs procedures. It should be noted that the launch of the module "Customs transit" of IS "Astana-1" was 2.5 months.

According to the assessment of entrepreneurs participating in the testing of the new program, the readiness to use IS "Astana-1" is 20-30%. In this regard, the use of IS "Astana-1" will be impossible from 1st of January 2018.

In addition, the current situation is further complicated by the fact that the Committee will not accept customs declarations drawn up using old information systems. (CAIS, Web-declarant).

On these issues, a meeting in videoconference mode will be held in Atameken on 25 of December, where they will discuss the problematic issues that have arisen during the testing of the IS "Astana-1".

The event will be attended by Managing Director-Director of the Department of Customs Administration Dina Mamasheva, Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gosman Amrin, as well as representatives of business and association.

For reference:

On 13th of December this year, the Head of State signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Ratification of the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union", which provides for a significant simplification of customs procedures and their translation into electronic format. The Code "On Customs Regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is currently under consideration in the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The norms of both Customs Codes provide for: paperless electronic declarations, full application of the Risk Management System (RMS), automated forms of accounting and control.

Thus, work under the new customs legislation is possible only if all business processes in the customs sphere are implemented in the "Astana-1" information system.

Date and venue: December 25, Astana, 11:00, Kunaeva street 8, BC "Emerald Quarter", 26th floor, "Turkestan" hall

Accreditation for the media will be open until 19:00 hours on 22nd of December

Department of Public Relations of NCE RK "Atameken": +7 (7172) 91 93 67,

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