
Kazakhstan business discusses the issues on technical regulation with Eurasian Economic Commission

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January 31, 2018, 15:00-18:00, (Astana city, Kunaev 8 st, “Emerald quarter” BC, block B, floor 26, “Turkestan” hall) “Atameken” will hold a meeting with  the member of the Board of the EEC, Minister in charge of technical regulation, Valery Koreshkov.

In the framework of the meeting it is planned to discuss current situation, issues and future perspectives of the development of technical regulation system in the Eurasian Economic Union.

Presentations will be made by the head of technical regulation and accreditation department of the EEC, Shakkaliev A.A. and the head of technical regulation department of “Atameken”, Ermekbaev T.A.

The following topics will be discussed in the program of the meeting:

-draft modifications of sanitary and epidemiological regulations concerning synthetic detergents,

-draft technical regulations “On requirements for the energy efficiency of energy consuming devices”,

-initiatives to the amendment of the requirements for the marking of food products,

-issues of the implementation of the technical regulation requirements concerning safety of wheeled vehicles.

Till today the following companies have confirmed their participation:

-Union of poultry farmers of Kazakhstan

-Association of food, sugar refining, food and pharmaceutical industries of Kazakhstan

-Union of Oils and Fats of Kazakhstan

-Association of trading companies and manufacturers of electrical domestic and computer equipment and complex technical systems of Kazakhstan

-Association of conformity assessment bodies of Kazakhstan

-Association of Auto business of Kazakhstan

-The union of entreprises of car industry of Kazakhstan

-LLC “Kazphosphate” and others

At the end of the meeting it is planned to adopt some concrete solutions on all the issues that were discussed earlier by the business community.

For more detailed information please contact the department of technical regulation of “Atameken” 8 (7172) 919330 .

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