
"Tit for tat measures are needed". - The national chamber suggests to anti monopolists to punish not only the business.

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Ablay Myrzahmetov said about the necessity of response measures implementation to bureaucrats who impede the entrepreneurship and effective competition.

January 30 the chairman of the board of Atameken at the government session pinpointed attention upon the issue of creation of companies with a government stakes. According to Ablay Myrzahmetov, there are 2 spheres, where the creation of such companies is acceptable. These are defensive capacity and national security. In the other spheres there must be internal market analysis. 

“Preliminary analysis might show the necessity of creation of these companies. It also concerns state health care providing institutions, kindergardens and others. Moreover we actively try to boost the tools for state-individual partnership. We still need to work on the law-enforcement part”-noted Ablay Myrzahmetov.

Atameken suggests to consider the need of establishing parastatal companies at the preliminary hearing using experts. 

“Such procedure of open discussion reduces many risks. Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan might practise it locally and in the regions. It’s obvious that the local executive bodies try to lobby such companies. This would be an additional filter on creation of such enterprises and good anti-competitive practices.”- announced “Atameken” chairman of the board.

Ablay Myrzahmetov gave the example of the cooperation between the bus operators and municipal parks in the regions.

“We understand the demands of local authorities concerning population. These are transport security and ecology. And they demand rethinking of the charges. When the charges are not being rethought, in 5 regions (according to our information), appeared the parks of municipal operators. This also leads to the distortion of competition. We totally agree that any subsidies should be replaced on cross liabilities of business to exclude old transport etc. The practice shows that the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan departments must be tough on the issues of competition distortion”- said Ablay Myrzahmetov.

In addition, the national chamber insists on the implementation of tit for tat measures to the state bodies that allow interference in entrepreneurship. These facts appeared in the framework of Conciliation Commission, where the investigation concerning entrepreneurs had been held before the decision and possible penalty.

“Commissions gave a good effect, dominants should be held accountable for the price fixing.  And there must be tit for tat measures for the state bodies for entrepreneurship interference. We have those facts when the state bodies set the standard, for example, for the liquefied gas output.

We understand that it’s a social issue but nevertheless it’s interference into entrepreneurship and it must be suppressed”- said Ablay Myrzahmetov.

In the end “Atemeken” chairman of the board noted that it’s necessary to pay attention to the technical regulation issues to enhance the security of the internal market from the counterfeit products.

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