
Ablay Myrzahmetov responds to questions of the Head of State

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During the government session with the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev, the chairman of the board of “Atameken” Ablay Myrzahmetov spoke about supporting measures for the business development.

According to his words, the reaction to the state supporting business measures became the quantity growth of companies. “Atameken” in consort with the government conducts legislative work on the improvement of entrepreneurship development conditions.

Not only the permission was reduced three times but most importantly they put a backstop. Departments and ministries cannot accept any regulations - only through the Parliament. And this regulation is quite tough. In fact, the last year there was no barriers in the legislation because of the system filter. More than 100000 companies were restored and started to work at the market”- reported Ablay Myrzahmetov.

The head of state asked Ablay Myrzahmetov how privatization affects the increasing of the MSB share.

“The privatization helps but we will see its result in the near future. The most important in privatization is the decreasing of government share in the economy. It is obvious that any government share and quasi public sector decreasing is good for business. So the work continues”- said Ablay Myrzahmetov.

Also the chairman of the national chamber mentioned about the mutual work with the government on the reduction of supervision and control functions. According to his words, the number of inspections in Kazakhstan was reduced by two thirds. Risk management system was implemented.

“In fact, we reduced the number of these inspections and right now we implemented risk management system, which concerns digitization. So today computer system decides where the risk is, where the taxation is lower, where the holes in the customs are. The work is conducted steadily and in cooperation with the government”- said Ablay Myrzahmetov.

Ablay Myrzahmetov underlined the issue of self-regulation system implementation, when the companies consolidate into independent organization and control the business with its standards. He also said about entrepreneurship learning courses by “Atameken” for the population.

“Bastau business project surpassed our expectations. The goal was to educate 15 thousands of jobless people in 80 regions. We planned that 20 % will open their business. If we look at the results, 3.1 thousand opened new business and 8000 made a business plan. This year the project will work in 160 regions”- said Ablay Myrzahmetov.

In the end, Ablay Myrzahmetov said that today “Atameken” actively participates in outreach work on issues related to digitization, so not only entrepreneurs see its implementation benefit but also the population.

In the end of the government session the head of state underlined the importance of the implementation of all priorities from the Annual Message and said about the responsibility of each executive for their implementation.

“In the Annual Message I set 10 concrete goals in the conditions of the forth industrial revolution. For the Administration of the President, Government, Parliament, local administrations, National chamber of entrepreneurs and national holdings, it is necessary to initiate the relevant work. Today I also outlined some problematic issues that need to be taken into consideration. In the conditions of constitution reforms and difficult geopolitical situation everyone needs to be active and work in a cohesive way”- summarized Nursultan Nazarbaev. 

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