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This was stated by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Timur Kulibayev at the second Republican Forum of Entrepreneurs on anti-corruption issues.

"The use and development of digital technologies is our main joint mission. On the order of the Head of State, first of all, this should begin with the state services sector. Atameken is working on this issue: the “Government for Business” is being created within the framework of the Service Centers for Entrepreneurs. 76 services have already been automated, and by the end of 2018 52 state support measures will be added through MNE, DoA, MID. The same task is in the field of customs - there is a lot of complaints from entrepreneurs. All 17 customs procedures will be automated, which will minimize the corruption element in the customs authorities," Timur Kulibayev said.


The ultimate goal of digitalization should be full automation of the risk management system. The system will independently determine the object of verification, without the participation of an official.

The second task is to optimize the size of the state apparatus. After the audit of the control and supervisory functions the release of more than 1100 inspectors is planned.

"We propose that the savings derived from the process go to increase the salaries of civil servants, so that these people would have same salaries as in the corporate sector. The business community is ready to have a compact and professional state apparatus, which is supported by taxpayers' money, " Timur Kulibayev said.

Another initiative of Atameken NCE is to increase responsibility for illegal actions against entrepreneurs. Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Public Service Affairs and Anticorruption has all necessary tools - Regional Ethics Council systems were formed with the possibility of coordinating the work of disciplinary commissions. Every entrepreneur needs to be sure that careless officials will bear a well-deserved punishment for their illegal actions.

The fourth is the increasing of the responsibility of the private sector. Lately, the poor quality of public catering facilities, elevator facilities, passenger transportation and fire safety has come under criticism.

"Everything related to the safety of life and health of people and the environment must be strictly controlled, including by the business itself. Here we need clear mechanisms of self-control and business responsibility to prevent violations and reduction of product quality. It is necessary to increase the responsibility of business itself. We protect the interests of only diligent businessmen, those who pay taxes and comply with the law" the head of the National Chamber emphasized.

He added that in June at the forthcoming Congress of NCE "Atameken" the Code of Ethics of Entrepreneurs will be adopted. It will establish the norms and obligations of entrepreneurs in interaction with other business entities, as well as mechanisms for compliance with these obligations.

Within the framework of the Forum, the second Roadmap for Joint Actions of the NCE RK "Atameken" and Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Public Service Affairs and Anticorruption on countering corruption was signed.

Timur Kulibayev assured that the execution of the road map will be under constant control on both sides. In the end expressed his gratitude to the Agency's management for supporting the business community.

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