

- City of Shymkent
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Thanks to active functioning of the Business Women Council, the process of female business cooperation in the SKR is moving productively.

Open dialog between women and business conference on the development of women entrepreneurship was held in Shymkent with the participation of Lazzat Ramazanova, the Chairman of the Business Women Council of Atameken NCE RK.

Over 100 business ladies from the entire region came to the regional center to discuss their achievements and problems. Accomplished business ladies, as well as newcomers took part at the meeting.

Lazzat Ramazanova gave a welcoming speech at the beginning of conference.

"One can say a lot about the fact that today women are very successful in mastering such a serious sphere as business and even get involved in such spheres that are usually considered purely masculine. This is confirmed by the indicators: today 41.1% of the country's GDP is provided by women business, - she highlighted. - But today it's a different matter. Today it is important not just to do business, but to unite. We should unite to be heard. Once you are cooperated according to the industry principle, you will be a powerful voice of business. We must move and replicate our positive experience altogether".

As Lazzat Ramazanova noted, today industry associations are being created in six regions, while women business in South Kazakhstan is in the forefront of this process. As far as it is namely here, in South Kazakhstan, where the "Women cooperation" project was launched by the aid of the local Business Women Council. The women cooperative movement is an icing on the cake of the Business Women Council of the South Kazakhstan Region.

As it was noted at the meeting, the women entrepreneurship of SKR has its own specific problems. They are connected with access to financing, loans, insufficient competencies in the field of business. In principle, these problems are common for both men and women. But, as life shows, in these matters, credit organizations, potential investors as well as government agencies often show more reserved, more cautious attitude towards women than to men. Such relic of the patriarchy, of course, is gradually disappearing, as our women prove by deed that, in business issues, they are second to none of men.

Entrepreneurs stressed that women preferences are especially important for those who have just come into business, and at the initial stage of implementing start-ups. It is worth noting that both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs want to learn more and want more extensive access to financial, information and consulting assistance.

Today the South Kazakhstani Business Women Council renders legal, consulting and practical assistance to the women business community.

But the Chairman of the regional Council of Business Women of South Kazakhstan, Alma Arkhabayeva considers assistance in promoting commercial projects of women engaged in their own business as a main achievement of the year. Fortunately, for this purpose legal, administrative conditions and new financial instruments were created. These are personal meetings with akims of all levels, and the Microcrediting Program for Women Entrepreneurship that appeared last year, as well as measures to support women entrepreneurship for the account of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The active participation of women in the Bastau training program became another step forward. If in 2016, women share in business accounted for about 30% of the total number of entrepreneurs, last year their share approached 45%. And in terms of the number of women executives (76,623), SKR takes the second place in the country after Almaty.

The business conference included presentations of successful business ladies on the topic "Business and society - growth synergy", as well as presentation of successful start-up projects, master classes from entrepreneurs and business trainers.

The speakers touched upon topics important for each woman, such as construction of a career and business, self-development and personal growth. Successful business cases and life examples will help to become a good motivation for the further development of women's entrepreneurship in the country.

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