

- Zhambyl Region
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The Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" took part in the meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Akim of Zhambyl region Askar Myrzakhmetov, representatives of state bodies and businessmen of the region also took part in the event.
Speaking about the results of the work of the NCE in the field of business protection, Timur Kulibayev noted the well-established dialogue between Atameken and the General Prosecutor's Office, the Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Agency, as well as the Supreme Court.

"Often, when considering cases of entrepreneurs in courts, decisions are made based on the position of state bodies. Last year, we signed a road map with the Supreme Court to jointly study and eradicate this practice. Generally speaking, over 22 thousand applications were received during Atameken's work and about 40% of the issues the National Chamber resolved positively. Thus, property rights of entrepreneurs to the amount of over 92 billion tenge are protected, "Timur Kulibayev said.

Protection of businessis is also a priority at the regional level.

As the Regional Chamber director Maripbek Shakerbek said in his speech, from the beginning of the year six officials were subjected to disciplinary action and one - to administrative after appeals of businessmen to the Chamber. In total, last year the RCE received 162 appeals, 59 of them were resolved positively. The interests of entrepreneurs are protected in the amount of KZT 2.5 bn.

A significant contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises to the economy of the region was also noted. Last year, the amount of tax revenues amounted to KZT 28.5 billion, or 35% of the total revenues to the budget of the region.

Together with the akimat, the Chamber is developing a program to provide businesses with free places for street trade, with the adoption of single standards and requirements for the appearance of retail outlets. Also in the region the issue of creating small industrial zones with leasing premises with already supplied communications is being worked out.

In the Zhambyl region, the Bastau project, initiated by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, is being successfully implemented. In 2017, 1,125 people were trained there. This year, they plan to train twice as many people. It is expected that a minimum of 500 Zhambyl residents will be able to open their business.

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