
BOLAT PALYMBETOV ABOUT “ATAMEKEN”: There is no analogue in post-soviet space.

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This was stated by the business ombudsman during the first International Business Forum in Astana. It was attended by officials, national and foreign investors, representatives of diplomatic missions, international organizations, research centers and business. 

The participants discussed the problems faced by foreign investors in the field of protecting the rights, carrying out activities and legitimate interests of investors. According to Doing Business data, in 2017 Kazakhstan ranks 36th in the rating among 190 countries.

"The development of any state, the embodiment of new ideas and innovations depends on investment. Along with this, investors face a number of problems. The key issue is corruption. In order to fight, we must begin to apply advanced preventive mechanisms to counter corruption in order to strengthen the favorable investment climate, as well as for the development of the Investment Ombudsman Institute," - Alik Shpekbayev, the Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service and Countering Corruption noted

According to the Agency, over the past three years, 976 facts of corruption have been identified, and 389 officials have been convicted.

"The measures taken helped to protect more than 500 entrepreneurs. In Kazakhstan, a number of measures are taken to develop business conditions for both national and foreign investors," - Alik Shpekbayev added.

Atameken is doing a great job in this direction. According to the legally established competence, a foreign investor, being a resident of Kazakhstan, can apply to the NCE to support and promote initiatives, as well as to seek help in protection their rights.

"Atameken today unites all Kazakh entrepreneurs, and there is no such organization in any country of the former post-Soviet space. Currently, businessmen, turning to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs know that they will receive both help and advice. That means that the Chamber deserved their trust and demonstrated the effectiveness of their work," - Bolat Palymbetov, the Ombudsman for the Protection of Kazakhstani Entrepreneurs Rights stressed in his speech.

He noted joint work with state bodies, which helped to develop and to implement the Roadmap as well as to establish working commissions.

"Together with the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Justice, work on humanizing criminal legislation and reducing sanctions for violations in the business sphere has been carried out. As a result, the number of criminal cases on economic offenses in the past two years has decreased fivefold - from 8170 in 2015, to 1618 cases in 2017. The issues of protecting the rights and interests of domestic entrepreneurs are also brought to the international level," - Palymbetov pointed out.​​​​​​​

In September 2017, the Forum of Business Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia was held, culminating with the signature of the Agreement on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation. This year, meeting with the Business Ombudsman of Uzbekistan is also planned.

In the course of the work, the forum participants supported the Agency's initiative to establish a project office, which will facilitate the accelerated resolution of investors' issues. At the end of the forum, representatives of ACSCC, the MFA and the MID of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed a tripartite memorandum on consolidation and improvement of investment attractiveness.

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