
Timur Kulibayev: The ranking of universities by "Atameken" will actualize education

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs checks the relevance of educational programs of universities regarding the needs of the modern market.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev stated that at a meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the North Kazakhstan region.

"Currently, "Atameken" compiles rankings of universities. We look at how relevant the training programs are, whether they allow graduates to get employed. The results of the rating will guide both entrants choosing the university, and the employers. There is an understanding that the relevance of educational programs is the guarantor of qualitative development of human capital. - said Timur Kulibayev.

Over the last two years, the coverage of enterprises in the North Kazakhstan Region, involved in the dual education process, has doubled. Annually about 40 engineering-pedagogical workers of colleges increase qualification at the production-partners.

At the meeting the Director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Darkhan Kalin made a proposal to open a business incubator on the basis of the North Kazakhstan University. Its main goal will be to help aspiring entrepreneurs to find dynamic business models, as well as comprehensive support for startup projects-from the original idea to its commercialization. The Directorate of the Chamber asked Akimat to support the initiative.

The meeting heard information about the need to unite entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture. Consolidation in the field of agro-industrial complex and maintenance of profitable production will solve the problem of sales of products, increase the income of farms and provide a decent standard of living.

"In all the regions that we visited these days, businessmen have an understanding of the prospects for business from the Association of Small Farms," Timur Kulibayev said.

The area of tourism is also a promising direction of the North Kazakhstan region, which has a territorial neighborhood with Russia. The orientation of the economy to its development, with the accompanying service, opens up new opportunities for SME growth.

"In each region there are maps of development where akimat can make additions on economic development of the area initiated by National Chamber. For example, on tourism development. Your area is a border area, next to three Russian regions, close to Astana. We need to clearly identify the needs for new facilities, infrastructure, training activities, including through the TVE system. That means creating an accompanying service and we can safely offer potential opportunities to the region as a tourist attraction, "Timur Kulibayev said.

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