
Timur Klibayev: "Astana business initiatives set the tone for the whole country"

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The annual business conference was held in the capital city with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of the "Atameken" NCE RK Timur Kulibayev, the Astana akim Aset Issekeshev, representatives of state bodies and the business community of the capital.

The conference discussed issues of further development of Astana, creation of infrastructure for more comfortable business. Participants considered the problematic issues of concern to entrepreneurs.

"The initiatives that are being implemented in the capital city set the tone for the whole country, for example, the "1000 trade places" project is successfully implemented, 650 retail outlets have already found their new owners, the places are provided for seven years, there is an opportunity to make investments, and most importantly - We will offer this program across the country, and today we discussed with our colleagues an opportunity to designate the same points of business growth in other sectors: social spheres, service development. I think it is very important for the capital to have a clear understanding of where and in what place we can develop our business", - said Timur Kulibayev.

With the active participation of NCE "Atameken", large-scale reforms of control and supervisory functions were carried out. In the framework of last year's reform, the number of claims was reduced by 56 percent (17,000), and about one thousand regular units of inspectors were abolished. At the same time, according to the head of the National Parliament, entrepreneurs should not forget about responsibility to consumers.

"We all heard about the recent incidents: mass poisoning, bus fires, elevator crashes.To exclude such accidents, we need to develop self-regulatory institutions, consumer protection societies should work more actively.Where there are big risks and where questions concern protection and health citizens, it is necessary to increase the responsibility of entrepreneurs themselves" - said Timur Kulibayev

Confirmation of close interaction between Atameken and government agencies is the work on reforming and liberalizing normative legal acts and draft laws, which account for over 70 percent of all proposals of the business community.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE noted that within the framework of the "Government for Business" project, work is underway to re-engineer and automate state support measures and launch services in a single window of "Atameken Services". As a result, it is expected not only to reduce the terms of services provision from 50 to 1-3 days, but also to reduce the level of corruption.

Also, Timur Kulibayev recalled the instructions of the Head of State to keep a part of taxes from SME in the regions.

"In Astana, as well as in Almaty, the budget is being formed by small and medium business. If one part of the taxes will remain in the regions, the akimats will be interested in creating conditions for business development, which, in turn, will form a taxable base that can resolve many regional issues" - Timur Kulibayev said.​​​​​​​  

Condluding the session, participants discussed problematic issues: the reduction of an age threshold of up to two years for state subsidies in kindergartens; the active involvement of the business in the creation of paid parking areas; lowering the rates of fixed tax and others. Not voiced problems entrepreneurs were asked to write in writing and transfer to the "Atameken" NCE RK.

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