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Businessmen cooperated in the "Union of Manufacturing Enterprises" to jointly solve problems, modernize production and expand sales markets.

The creation of the new association was announced at a briefing in the Central Communications Service. The Union included machine building enterprises and six industry associations accredited to the "Atameken" NCE RK - in total 243 companies engaged in various areas of high-tech production. 

Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Atameken" NCE RK Kuanish Bishimov informed of readiness for joint work with business within the framework of the new association. Today more than 140 different associations are accredited under the National Chamber. Consolidation of business on a sectoral basis allows us to work out common approaches to topical issues of development solution. 

"We have always adhered to the position of associations enlargement. Business knows its problems from the inside and can develop effective proposals for their solution. "Atameken" is always ready to provide a platform for such work, so that business can jointly and effectively solve their problems. "Atameken" introduces proposals of business and industry associations into draft laws and regulations, and over 70% of proposals by state bodies have been taken into account," - Kuanysh Bishimov stated.​​​​​​​

Currently, Atameken is working on public procurement improvement, the deputy chairman of the NCE stressed. The main goal is to ensure the process transparency, the priority of domestic producers’ participation and, as a result, to increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstani business. Long-term government orders are a helping hand for development.  

"Today the "Zhanampaz" consortium is an example of successfully work. It concluded a five-year agreement on the supply of clothing for the Ministry of Defense. Entrepreneurs "looped" the technological chain from growing cotton to manufacturing production materials and output of finished products. When a business sees that there are long-term contracts, as well as a prospect of growth, then it takes obligations to attract investments and modernize production. The consortium undertook to invest 6 billion tenge within five years in order to deepen the production chain and make a product with high added value. I think that the Union and Atameken should agree on this issue. We must establish production from raw materials and to the end products," - Kuanysh Bishimov noted​​​​​​​ 

According to the entrepreneurs, the Union of Manufacturing Enterprises intends to develop a unified position of the participants on the main strategic directions of the industry development in order to promote it in the course of a dialogue with authorities in working groups of any level, including the National Chamber. 

"A new model of the country's economic development is impossible without modernizing the manufacturing sector. For this purpose, it is necessary to solve the issue of access to key factors of modernization - technology and finance. In parallel, it is necessary to reduce all obstacles to the domestic and export markets for end products, which the domestic producers face," - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Manufacturing Industry Marat Bakkulov stated.

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