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Chairman of the Presidium of the "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Timur Kulibayev heard the report of the Manufacturing Industry Committee of the Presidium.

Chairman of the Committee Vladimir Bobrov reported on the results for 2017 and the main directions of work in the current year.

Based on data from the Committee on Statistics, the actual volume index (AVI) of the manufacturing industry shows steady growth over the past 5 years, including 5% the last year.

The growth occurred in the chemical, light, construction materials, furniture and woodworking industries.

An important indicator that points the future production growth is an increase in investments in fixed assets. Having 825 billion tenge in 2015, in 2017 it increased to 981 billion tenge.

The number of enterprises in the sector increases every year. However, it is worth noting the tendency of medium-sized and large enterprises to disaggregate by 30-35% on average, which clearly influenced the growth of the number of small businesses. The volume of export of manufacturing industry in connection with the intensification of foreign trade grew by 22% and amounted to 14 billion dollars in 2017, compared with 2016.

Summarizing the statistics, it can be confidently said that 2017 is positive for the manufacturing sector.

At the same time, there are a number of unsolved problematic issues: high competition with imports, difficulties in product sales, cash loans for business development.

The head of the National Chamber stressed the necessity for a detailed analysis of the current situation in the manufacturing industries, including the actual situation at the main industry enterprises, which should result in the formation of more effective approaches to industrial policy.

"It is necessary to develop an algorithm for an active industrial policy" - Timur Kulibayev said.

He emphasized the importance of concentrating state support measures in competitive sectors and projects that have high technological localization and added value, as well as the effect on the development of related industries.

In general, according to Timur Kulibayev, it is necessary to approach development issues more carefully, using the latest research in the sectors, to expand product export through the use of new technologies and marketing.

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