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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" informs that on October 24-26, 2018 in the city of Yerevan (Republic of Armenia) an annual forum "Eurasian Week - 2018" will be held. Within the framework of the forum, the Eurasian Economic Commission (Commission) will hold the final of the "Eurasian Digital Platforms" Innovative Projects Contest.

The purpose of the Competition is to identify projects that can make a significant contribution to the process of digital transformation of the economies of the Eurasian Economic Union member states (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, further - the EAEU).

The competition will be held in four categories:

- "Digital future of the EAEU" - for young developers, teams, start-ups

- "The best game for children and adolescents on the subject of the digital agenda of the EAEU"- for game developers and simulations.

- "The best technological solutions for the implementation of the digital agenda of the EAEU" - for software developers, vendors, integrators.

- "The best digital projects of the EAEU" - for organizations, already undergone a significant digital transformation, capable to exemplify successful practices.

Detailed information on the Contest is also available on the Contest website

Participation in the Contest will enable domestic businesses to submit their projects to officials of the five EAEU states, potential investors and customers, to familiarize the interested audience with projects through specialized media in the context of information support of the competition, to get international and state support or attract investments from leading digital corporations.

To participate in the Competition it is necessary to submit an application through the official website of the Contest before June 13, 2018, or send a letter to the contacts listed below.

The Steering Committee of the Competition also invites industry experts to join the jury of the Competition.

Contact person for participation and inclusion in the jury – Bychenkov Denis Vladimirovich, +7 (926) 22-950-22,

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