
What is CU? The system of credit cooperation

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Distance training for business coaches on the financing of the "Bastau" project was conducted at the "Atameken" site by the specialists of the JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture" and the Association of Credit Unions

In order to increase the effectiveness of the project on training entrepreneurs, the Bastau project group under "Atameken" NCE, conducts continuous training to improve the skills of business coaches and provides them with comprehensive information for further dissemination among the project participants. Distance training of business coaches is carried out not only on the topics of marketing, business planning, taxation, agribusiness, but also on the topics of microcrediting financial institutions.  

In this regard, Atameken conducted training for business coaches on the financing of the JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture" and the Agrocredit Corporation through credit partnerships and MFIs.  

Since the beginning of 2017, the participants of the Bastau project have assimilated funds in the amount of 7.3 million tenge. The main source of financing for the the Bastau project participants are the funds allocated by the State under the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017-2021 "Yenbek" through the "Fund for Financial Support to Agriculture" JSC - 65% of total amount, credit partnerships (1.7% ) and microfinance organizations (4.1%).

The main speaker on the topic of "Information on the credit cooperation system in the RK" was the chairman of the Association of Credit Unions Almira Sagatova. It should be noted that the most frequent issues of credit partnerships are related to interaction with the agro-industrial complex. In Kazakhstan, credit unions are represented in the form of limited partnerships. As noted by Almira Sagatova this is not the most convenient form of CU.

"Co-operative form is closer, but it is not not provided for in the civil code. The partnerships are regulated by the law on credit partnership. CU is a commercial organization that carries out certain types of banking operations without a license from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Credit Unions are created in the form of a LLP on the basis of a constituent contract and act in accordance with its charter, "- Almira Sagatova said.

According to the speaker, it is necessary to remember that the akimats, the Agrarian Credit Corporation (ACC), the Ministry of Agriculture can not dictate their decisions to the assembly. The main body of the CU is a meeting of shareholders, since it is a private organization.

During the meeting, Almira Sagatova talked about the main activities, the requirements of the "Agrarian Credit Corporation" JSC for credit unions and how to become a CU participant. The meeting participants focused on the new rules for registration in CU. In 2018, a single database was implemented, which includes all documents, fines, court decisions against a person. Earlier, when entering a new participant, the limited liability partnership was to be re-registered with the justice bodies.

"Today, if there is an executive document in relation to the participant, a ban on registration is imposed until the document is executed. The only solution for CU is a single registrar of securities. This is an organization that maintains a register of economic entities. Only there you can go through re-registration even in the presence of fines. However, the organization's branches are available only in the cities of Astana and Almaty," - Almira Sagatova noted, having added that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considering changes in the legislation and since November the CUs will be able to register as before through the Department of Justice.  

The regional chamber of entrepreneurs of the Akmola region often receives questions about joining the CU of the neighboring region. In this connection, the employees were interested in whether the territorial location of CU participants is fixed.

"Legislatively, there are no such restrictions, but ACC controls farmers to be from their own area. The farmers can join the CU of the neighboring district in case of problems, but I will clarify the issue of the geographical division," - the chairman of the CU Association answered.

Also, the speaker told about the projects financing by credit partnerships, in particular, to obtain funding, it is necessary to join the CU founders, which means holding a general meeting of participants and re-registration in the justice bodies, which generally takes at least 1.5-2 months. Given the short timeframe for funding, many participants in the Bastau project have been waiting to receive microcredit from 2017.

The final question was on the possibility of withholding the amount of the entry fee at the expense of the microcredit.

"According to the procedures of microcrediting and CU participation, a new member of the union must join the membership, and then apply for funding. Otherwise it will be a violation of the internal rules of the CU itself, "- Almira Sagatova replied to a final question​​​​​​​

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