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Making purchases and receiving services, people become a party to a purchase and sale transaction every day, which has its own interests and rights. The service provider should remember that non-observance of the rights of consumers entails a violation of the norms of legislation.

The Ministry of National Economy of the RK conducted an analysis during which complaints of consumers were collected and problematic issues were identified in the field of catering, retail, public transport and photo and video shooting in public places.


Does the consumer have a right to ask for information about the product (dishes) in the public food outlets (canteens, cafes, restaurants)?

Regarding the provision of information, the seller (manufacturer, executor) is obliged to provide information on the goods (work, service), as well as on the seller (manufacturer, executor) in Kazakh and Russian (subparagraph 1) of Article 24 of the Law).

Paragraph 1 of Article 25 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights establishes information to be provided, in particular, information about the basic consumer properties of the product (work, service), the food, biological and energy value of the product, as well as information on contraindications for their use with certain diseases in cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to subparagraph 1), article 27 of the Business Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, business entities are obliged to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities. Not providing the consumer with comprehensive information about the product, including information on the composition of the dishes offered, and their energy value, is a violation of the specified norms of legislative acts.


Can a consumer require travel documents from a conductor?​​​​​​​

The consumer has the right to request a ticket for travel. According to Article 18 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the consumer has the right to receive from the seller (manufacturer, executor) a document confirming the fact of the purchase of the goods (performance of work, rendering the service)


Is it possible to conduct a photo and video shooting in the trading halls, does the security service of the store have the right to confiscate the equipment?​​​​​​​

The facts of illegal bans on shooting in shopping centers, markets, shops became more frequent. There are cases of aggressive behavior (seizure of means of shooting, threatening, insulting, attempts to delete video and photo materials) of security officers or store employees against consumers who used photo and video shooting.

The rules of internal trade do not provide for restrictions on the photo and video shooting of goods, works, services. Also, in accordance with clause 12 of Article 24 of the Consumer Rights Protection Act, the seller is prohibited from limiting the rights of consumers with regard to the use of photo and video, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In turn, the right to photograph and videotaping offenses is an important tool in the protection of consumer rights, in addition to witness testimony and documents confirming the purchase of goods or payment for the performance of work, rendering services.

Let us recal that in order to strengthen the responsibility of the business Atameken has developed a whole system of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of life and health of people, achieving a balance between the interests of consumers, business and the state.

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