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"Atameken" announces the beginning of accepting applications for the competition for awarding the right to use the "Uly dala eli "umbrella brand

The main objective of the competition is to stimulate and position the domestic company and its high-quality products under the "Uly dala eli" umbrella brand when exporting goods, increasing the country's recognition abroad.

"Uly dali eli" umbrella brand is presented to the best domestic producers of Kazakhstan, promoting the brand of Kazakhstan in international markets

Competitors must meet the following criteria:

  • the share of exports in the volume of at least 10% of the total output of one type of product;

    * the share of local content in the production of goods, providing services (at least 30%);

    * membership in international business communities;

    * availability of licenses, permits, patents;

    * availability of international awards, diplomas;

    * experience in the publication of non-financial reporting on the social responsibility of business (responsible business);

    * brand recognition, positive image of the company in the presented portfolio (is welcomed).

    Subjects of private entrepreneurship can take part in the Competition, if they:

    1. operate on the market for at least three years;

    2. are not in the process of liquidation, are not declared bankrupt;

    3. indicated reliable information in the application;

    4. provided the members of the commission with the opportunity to inspect their enterprise (at the expense of the enterprise).

Applications are accepted until September 1, 2018

The order of the Competition:

  • Those wanting to take part in the competition must submit an application and materials (scanned) before September 1, 2018, processed in accordance with the Regulations to the e-mail address

    * The Commission examines the applications of the Competition participants and selects 12 applicants from the total number of applications.

    * The Commission, divided into subgroups, travels to the enterprises (at their expense) to confirm the information provided in the application.

    * Based on the results of the survey, the Commission determines 6 applicants who have reached the next selection stage.

    * A list of 6 applicants is placed on the Atameken online resource for online voting.

    * Companies which get the most votes (no more than three) get the right to use the "Uly dala eli" umbrella brand.

    * The laureates of the Competition are given the emblem of the "Uly dala eli" umbrella brand and a diploma ceremoniously.

    * The right to use the «Uly dala eli» umbrella brand is provided for a period of 5 years for advertising purposes.

    More detailed information on the Regulations on the contest "Uli dala eli" is available on the website


For participation in the contest, call 8 (7172) 919-300 (int. 1838), 8 (7172) 919-344.

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