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On March 27, within the framework of improving the position of Kazakhstan in the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating under the "International Trade" indicator, the norm that canceled earlier mandatory expertise for determining the country of origin of goods when obtaining an export certificate of origin for manufactured goods.

The period for obtaining the certificate was reduced from 3 to 1 working day.

Earlier, an entrepreneur had to undergo a two-stage procedure to obtain a certificate of origin of the processed goods for export. First, within 2 days, it had to go through the examination process for determining the country of origin of the goods, then get the issued certificate within 1 day.

In other words, an entrepreneur exporting goods abroad, additionally carried financial expenses and spent time on the examination.

"For the current period of 4 months from the date of introduction of the changes, more than 18 thousand certificates of origin of the goods of export forms have already been issued. For the same period in 2017, about 14 thousand certificates were issued. The dynamics of the growth of issued certificates of origin is obvious, "- Elmira Urazova, Deputy Director of the Manufacturing Industry Department of the RK" Atameken", noted.

Last year, entrepreneurs spent an average of more than KZT 128 million for the examination of manufactured goods, if calculated based on the minimum cost of 20 thousand tenge for examination.

Meanwhile, in 2018, taking into account the cancellation of the examination, the saving of entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan amounted to more than 115 million tenge for only 4 months, which could be spent on the examination of the origin of the goods. In addition, the deadline for obtaining a certificate was reduced for 2 days, during which the exporter could incur financial losses for inactivity or damage to goods.

April-July 2017 More than 14000 certificates were issued Потрачено более 128 млн.тенге на экспертизу

April-July 2018 More than 18000 certificates were issued Экономия более 115 млн.тенге от отмены экспертизы

Improving Kazakhstan's position in the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating is a priority state task, which is based on the instruction of the Head of State on Kazakhstan's entry into the list of 30 developed countries of the world.

In addition, in order to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship, the National Chamber has completed work on an electronic certification system for further transition to the electronic certification format, which will further reduce the burden on business entities, ensure traceability of all certification procedures, optimization and efficiency of the entire certification process.

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