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The best workers of the industry were awarded with personal medals

For two years the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" marks the best representatives of the profession with medals, diplomas and letters of appreciations.

This year, the "Union of Builders" of Kazakhstan established its own award - "Honored Builder" personal medals. They were given to the masters of the craft on the eve of the holiday. The awards were presented by representatives of the Union and the National Chamber. Representatives of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the RK presented departmental medals - "Honorary builder" (they are presented annually on the recommendation of the NCE).

It should be noted that the Union of Kazakhstan Builders is the first association accredited in the Atameken system, which established its own professional award. This is another indicator of the professionalism and consistency of the association, as well as the confidence of the National Chamber.

At the solemn event it was noted that due to the diligence of Kazakhstani builders, experts and designers, the industry is actively developing. Favorable legal conditions are created by the close cooperation of the Union of Builders, Atameken and the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. For today the Committee unites 13 large republican associations, that makes more than thousand subjects of business.

Recall that for the first time the holiday of construction industries workers was celebrated in the USSR on August 12, 1956 and it was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In Kazakhstan, Builder's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in August.

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