
"Atameken" launches "Legends of Kazakhstan" and "Faces in tourism" projects

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As part of the celebration of World Tourism Day, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" launches the project "Legends of Kazakhstan" and "Faces in Tourism" on the site

It should be recalled that during working trips to the regions the Chairman of the Presidium of the RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev has repeatedly stressed that Kazakhstan has a huge tourist potential and this must certainly benefit from business. The Chairman of the Presidium noted the need for modern approaches for the development of mass tourism. For example, to include historians, ethnographers, culturologists, marketers and designers to the process for literate presentation.

In connection with this, the NCE RK "Atameken" is implementing the project "Legends of Kazakhstan" in order to popularize tourist sites and historic sites.

"The project unites 250 legends and epics from all corners of the country: folk legends and myths, epic stories about natural monuments and historical events, etiological legends and information about sacred objects. It should be noted that the project is supplemented with photos and new objects," - the director of the tourism department of NCE Karlygash Altayeva explained.

All materials are freely available and can be used by all interested participants of the tourist market in order to popularize and promote tourist products of Kazakhstan. For the convenience of tourists the "Calendar of the tourist" was published, which contains the dates of major events.

The "Faces in Tourism" project is aimed at identifying the circle of professional players in the tourist market in Kazakhstan and increasing the awareness of industry participants.

"Persons in Tourism" includes experts and entrepreneurs of various directions from all regions of the country: heads of travel agencies, hotel managers, successful restaurateurs, tour guides, representatives of professional associations, active public figures and other professionals who made a significant contribution to the development of the industry.

It is worth noting that the project is not limited to this and will be constantly supplemented with new candidates, interesting projects being implemented.

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