

- City of Astana
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Urgent departure to the shopping facility happened on the evening of October 8, when the entrepreneur complained about the actions of the police

As part of the "Business Rescue Service" pilot project of the NCE RK Atameken, the director of "Dobryi Put" LLP Meruert Kabylbayeva addressed the contact center at number 1432 with a complaint about the actions of law enforcement officers.

Upon arrival at the site, it became clear that during the round the district police officer revealed the fact of illegal trade and immediately made a protocol on an administrative offense. The violation was that the entrepreneur set up a portable tent and carried out trade outside the pavilion, in the surrounding area.

“This is the fourth visit of police authorities. Today we have imposed a fine, because we allegedly carry out illegal trade on the street. But we are forced to take this step. The place provided by JSC “NC “SEC “Astana” is small for us - only 9 square meters - we just cannot place all the products here, because we need to store, and sell, and pay back the costs. We are working here for the third month. And all this time we are pursued by problems of a different nature. A month ago, our kiosk was robbed, goods in the amount of 35 thousand tenge and 15 thousand in cash were stolen. But the crime has not yet been solved! But when it comes to fines, the police come immediately! That's why I called the Rescue Service,” - Meruert Kabylbayeva, director of "Dobryi Put" LLP, said.

The entrepreneur also raised the problem of connecting pavilions to electrical energy, which the businessman must make himself through nearby apartment buildings.

According to the words of major Zhandos Tazhiev, a district police inspector at the local police service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Almaty District, the merchant of the shopping center had previously been given a written warning. But a month later the violation was repeated, and therefore an administrative protocol was drawn up.

“We explained to the entrepreneur that now, according to the law, it is possible to pay a fine with a 50% discount. We also explained to the entrepreneur that it is necessary to work strictly within the framework of the existing contract, that is, on the area that is set for trading. However, I want to emphasize that this is not the first time that we are faced with such a problem as the small square of the trade pavilions provided under the program “1000 street trading places”. And we will solve this issue together with JSC “NC “SEC “Astana,” - the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana Gulmira Moldagaliyeva noted.

Recall, the "Business Rescue Service" project was launched by the NCE RK "Atameken" in Astana in a pilot mode, especially for small and micro-businesses. By calling 1432, entrepreneurs can not only receive operational advice, but also call a mobile team to the site to resolve the problem.

he mobile group includes employees of the NCE RK Atameken, the Prosecutor's Office, the Anti-Corruption Authorities, the Department of Internal Affairs and the Emergency Situations Department of Astana. The Business Rescue Service works every day from 9 to 22 hours for businessmen in the spheres of catering, provision of services (hairdressing salons, pharmacies, travel agencies, repair and tailoring, catering, trade), as well as for entrepreneurs performing any kind of repair and installation work or leading the household.


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