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The Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" discussed the import substitution and development of mass entrepreneurship in the East Kazakhstan region at a meeting with regional activists.

The event was chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev and was devoted to discussing the main objectives of the Message of the President "Growth of the well-being of Kazakhstanis: increasing income and quality of life."

Ablai Myrzakhmetov stressed that in the current Message, business development and an increase in incomes are interconnected. He expressed confidence that the appeal of the Head of State to raise the minimum wage will be supported, first of all, by large enterprises of the country, setting an example to all entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

"SemAZ" has already announced that it increases the salary of technical personnel who received the minimum wage. I am sure that this message of the Head of State will be picked up by the entire business,” - Ablai Myrzakhmetov said.


He also noted the role of government programs aimed at supporting entrepreneurship.

"Business Roadmap 2020" is the most popular program. Annually, the state allocates KZT30 billion for its implementation. In addition, 30 billion more will be allocated next year. In practice, more than half of the funds are spent on interest rate subsidies. But there is another key issue that will be an aid for business development - this is the provision of credit resources,” - the Chairman of the Board of "Atameken" noted.

Separately, Ablai Myrzakhmetov focused on the work carried out in the East Kazakhstan region on the development of domestic production.

“We conducted a screening of large and medium processing enterprises... 192 enterprises were certified in EKR. According to the results, the chart of the main products that need import substitution has been prepared,” - Ablai Myrzahmetov said.

At present, import supplies account for 23% in the structure of goods turnover. In 2017 compared to the same period of 2016, imports of the region increased by 33% and amounted to USD 903 million.

“In general, the East Kazakhstan Region is the leader for the support of local content. This figure increased to 84%. This year, almost all schools purchased furniture of domestic producers for almost 500 million tenge. Work in this direction is being adjusted. Training programs in East Kazakhstan were also a good example. More than 120 career counseling offices have been working in schools for several years. Nearly 10 thousand students and about 400 enterprises are covered. Schoolchildren, starting from the 7th grade, go on an excursion to the enterprises, get to know with specifics and they are guided in the choice of a profession from this age,” - Ablai Myrzakhmetov said.


The declared tax amnesty will have a positive effect on the state of the business, the Chairman of the Board of "Atameken", stressed.

“A significant role in the Message is assigned to a barrier-free environment. The Head of state noted that business should have access to land, especially in rural areas. By order of the President, an interactive portal should be created on which all information on free land plots will be posted. A clear task was set - to withdraw unused lands and give to those who want to do business, to expand. This work has begun in the cities and villages of the East Kazakhstan region, money was allocated. In December, we expect such a portal to be accessible to all. And most importantly, the President noted that the state has always helped business. The time has come for the business to show responsibility too and take on reciprocal obligations. I am confident that a compact, professional state apparatus and a responsible, competitive business together will ensure the well-being of our people,” - Ablai Myrzakhmetov concluded.



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