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The criteria for the selection of public-private partnership projects are proposed by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

Over the past three years, the number of public-private partnership agreements has increased by 20 times. This was announced at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov. Most PPP projects are implemented in the field of education and health care. In particular, there are many projects for the operation of kindergartens.

The speaker noted that in the regions the main criterion for the implementation of the program is based on a quantitative indicator of concluded PPP contracts in prejudice of quality. “Atameken” together with the MNE RK created a council, which included deputies and active public figures.

“We manage to solve emerging issues in the field of PPP on the spot. Out of the 26 problems included in the Register of problematic issues on PPP, 15 were resolved,” - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

He also added that today there are three regulatory bodies in the industry. The National Chamber advocates the Ministry of Economy to be the state agency responsible for monitoring projects.

“We, first of all, need to think about the quality of projects, as well as to know about the innovations proposed during the implementation of projects. To this end, we propose to screen the needs of regions in PPP projects. It is necessary to digitize a single database for the projects being implemented and create a virtual passport for each project. It will contain basic information about the project, which can be seen on the website. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the responsibility of the business itself. Entrepreneurs should think not only about the benefits, but also about how to improve the quality of projects, the quality of services provided to the public. All these indicators should be reflected in the rating,” - Ablai Myrzakhmetov suggested.

Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber noted that, despite the large number of projects, there is a tendency of significant growth of state obligations, rather than investment from business. In this regard, Atameken proposes to establish criteria for the selection of PPP projects: those that do not require any financial measures of state support and sources of reimbursement from the state budget; requiring reimbursement of operating costs from the state budget; and requiring reimbursement of all costs of a private partner from the state budget.

“These measures will allow expanding the scope of PPP application and optimizing the staff and administrative expenses of government agencies,” - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

The speaker also focused attention on the problem of professional personnel. Lack of staff leads to inefficient work in project implementation. Today in Kazakhstan there are no refresher courses, departments, training specialists in working with PPP projects.

“The National Chamber offers to develop requirements for the training of specialists on the basis of domestic universities and introduce training courses to the educational process,” - Ablay Myrzakhmetov summarized.

Summing up the meeting, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev said that there is a certain dynamics in the implementation of PPP, but at the same time, the process needs to be improved. “The main thing is not the number of projects, but their quality, here I support colleagues. I agree with "Atameken", Ablai Isabekovich rightly notes that in the implementation of public-private partnership projects the priority is needed,” - Bakytzhan Sagintayev said

«Основное – это не количество проектов, а их качество, здесь я поддерживаю коллег. Согласен с «Атамекен», Аблай Исабекович верно отмечает, что нужна приоритетность при реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства», - заявил Бакытжан Сагинтаев    

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