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The initiative was voiced by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Yeldar Zhumagaziyev during the meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the business community of Almaty region, devoted to the discussion of the Message of the Head of State.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Atameken", the determination of the real "painful points" of entrepreneurs at the district level will help conduct a rating of ease of doing business.

For example, the results of screening in the Aktobe region showed that the key problem here was and remains the inaccessibility of land. This issue depends, among other things, on the actions of local executive and state bodies.

“Atameken” could improve the rating of “Doing Business”, make it more practical. We believe that it is necessary to introduce new criteria by which one could measure the work of the district akims. In this case, the ratings of the local executive body would be determined by the entrepreneurs themselves,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev noted.  

Bakytzhan Sagintayev supported the initiative, noting that the Government had already conducted a similar rating in a pilot mode.

“Those indicators, by which we evaluated before, showed a completely different picture of the regions. Therefore, we are ready, if you make additional changes, to carry out internal "Doing Business". I think that it is necessary to assign it to "Atameken" (this work - author's note), they have such experience,” - the Prime Minister said.

During the meeting, Yeldar Zhumagaziyev focused on strengthening business responsibility. According to him, it is time to take stock of state support for entrepreneurship and, in particular, the effectiveness of projects subsidizing.

“More than 250 billion subsidies are allocated throughout the country. We would like to monitor and identify how subsidies have affected the growth of economic indicators of enterprises, the development of farms, productivity and product quality. There are commissions that allocate funding, and I think it would be useful for everyone to count and make decisions. For example, in the Almaty region, 407 companies received subsidies from the state. Thus, knowing how many new workplaces were actually created, whether tax revenues and enterprise turnover increased, it will be possible to distribute state support among those entrepreneurs and enterprises that are able to show growth and return. Today they are trying to introduce this practice in the Russian Federation,” - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev said.

The pilot project of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is proposed to launch in the Almaty region.

“The regional chamber is ready, you only need to create a commission and calculate the return retrospectively for all the subjects for several years of assistance provided. It would be a very good result,” - he added.

At the same time, Yeldar Zhumagaziyev noted that for the comprehensive development of the regions it is necessary to create regional sectorial programs, taking into account local specialization.

“We are accepting republican programs, but we need to focus on regional programs. Take the program of agriculture, where the priority areas are the production of meat, milk, veterinary medicine, science, watering. And in the Almaty region, the picture is more “motley” and is not limited to these 5-6 directions. Therefore, I am sure that now the agenda is exactly this: we need to pay more attention to the development of the regions. The role of regional programs for the development of the agro-industrial sector, manufacture and the food industry should be increased. We need to focus on the regional policy,” - the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber Yeldar Zhumagaziyev concluded.


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