

- Pavlodar Region
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This was announced by the akim of Pavlodar region during a meeting with the business community.

Thanks to the portal, business will be able to find out if the land plot is free or occupied, whether engineering communications and other necessary information pass under it. Bulat Bakauov suggested that entrepreneurs consider problematic issues that they cannot solve on their own. As it turned out, the business community is concerned about the issue of issuing a land plot. In their opinion, most often this procedure is too bureaucratic.

“We planned to build a gymnasium of 500 square meters in the area of the Radio Plant near the site where we already have a base, there is a corresponding project,” - Leila Yusupova, director of Tekhstroykompleks LLP, said. - One of the three sites that are adjacent to ours, was free. It was there that we wanted to start construction, for which we submitted an application for the purchase of a site through an auction in February of this year.”

According to the businesswoman, at first they were refused, citing the fact that there are several pines and elms on the site. Then the applicant wrote to the Akimat in writing, promising not to touch the pine and restore the elm in five times the size. However, the issue has not been resolved for 9 months.

“The entrepreneur himself wants to build a sports facility, invest his 40-50 million tenge, but he is not helped. As it happens with us: the application is accepted, they promise to respond soon, and when they give an answer, it is lost. The applicant begins to look for him, comes again, and here it all begins in the second round. After he gets a duty response: "green areas are on the site," "communication goes through here", "adjacent plot interferes", "provide the RAP" and so on. Then the entrepreneur complains to Astana, although he just wants to build a sports hall in Pavlodar," - the head of the region was outraged.

During the meeting, Pavlodar entrepreneurs told that they could not get a plot for the construction of a road service facility in the suburbs. Businessmen intend to invest tens of millions of tenge in the construction of a cafe and a small hotel. You can start work right now, but entrepreneurs are forced to wait for the auction for the sale of land. There is no guarantee that they will be the winners.

“We will take each of these questions to tight control, we will meet in 15 days and see what the results of the work are, - the oblast akim promised. - Now in Pavlodar, a building on 25 Krivenko Street, where almost all the city’s administrative services are located, is being renovated. I think that an “open akimat” should work there on the ground floor, so that entrepreneurs can solve all their problems in one place.”

Representatives of Pavlodarsol LLP also came to the meeting in "Atameken". According to the director of the company Denis Semyonov, the company is engaged in a project for the extraction of salt in Ekibastuz with a volume of investment of 880 million tenge and the creation of 69 new jobs. However, the enterprise cannot register four necessary land plots. Because of this, businessmen can not pass the finished project for examination. To solve the problem with the provision of land, which is so worried about SMEs, is proposed using a new web portal.

“Within the framework of the “Digital Kazakhstan” program, we are working on the issue of creating a portal where all the land plots will be visible,” - the deputy akim of the region, Zhaiyk Sharabasov said. - Thanks to this portal, businessmen will see if the land is free, whether communications are passing under it, and so on. That is, we will try to convert the services in the provision of sites into digital format.”

At the end of the meeting Bulat Bakauov conveyed the appeal of businessmen to the representatives of the regional chamber of entrepreneurs. The head of the region also instructed local akims to work out the problems of SMEs.

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