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Entrepreneurs bring new technologies from abroad and increase the productivity and profitability of their companies.

Businessmen can exchange experience and go abroad as part of the "Business Connections" project. It is implemented by the NCE RK "Atameken" together with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in the framework of the "Business Road Map - 2020". The further prospects of the project were discussed at the thematic Republican Forum in Astana.

The project itself involves two stages: the first is a three-week training in Kazakhstan, the second is a follow-up internship abroad. In 2018, 569 entrepreneurs from 8 regions of Kazakhstan completed training in the first stage. An internship in Germany was attended by 42 entrepreneurs.

“The project is interesting and useful for the business environment, - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" said. - This year, more than 20 contracts, agreements and memorandums of cooperation worth 1 million euros have been signed. The project has become a good tool to support and improve the business. With the development of export policy, "Business Connections" should receive a new focus and be focused on the final result."

The forum gave examples of exactly how “Business Connections” helps business. So, the well-known network of fitness clubs of the capital brought the latest fitness equipment from Germany and today sells a franchise in the country. The company from the Mangystau region signed a contract for the purchase of equipment for laying pavers, thereby increasing its productivity and speed. The company from Akmola region brought the technology for the production of concrete products and today sells them throughout Kazakhstan.

“The German side offers Kazakhstan its knowledge, business development models, know-how. In turn, we are pleased to see the dynamics of the development of Kazakhstan business, good business projects that are developing for you. We are glad that we have such a partner as "Atameken". The German side is confident that, together with the National Chamber, we are still initiating new projects within the framework of state programs,” - Jonathan Weinberg, the German Ambassador to Kazakhstan, said.

Jonathan Weinberg added that the project is planned to actively work on the development of the agricultural and industrial complex of the country.

In order to expand business ties, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the NCE RK "Atameken" and the "Alumni Association of the School of Business" of Nazarbayev University.

“Today a lot is being done in the country to support entrepreneurship and youth. And graduates of our school want to share their knowledge and be useful to society,” – Nurasul Dzharbasov, chairman of the Association Council, said. - We will actively support the "Business Relations" and "Bastau" projects, conduct lectures, trainings, and intend to help improve the ranking of universities. We hope that our experience will be useful for the implementation of these programs."


“The National Chamber supports such initiatives made by young people. We need to support the guys who have received knowledge and want to share them. And we are happy to watch this process. They want to do specific things, mentoring, providing expert opinion, developing and conducting seminars. There are a lot of people who need such knowledge in our country. The opinions and competencies of the Association will be useful to us,” – Yeldar Zhumagaziyev concluded.

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