
Mentor’s pay will be covered by the national budget

- East-Kazakhstan Region
5411 просмотров

From January 1, 2019, professional colleges with a dual system of education will be transferred to per capita financing, within the framework of which students will be paid for mentors for each student.

Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of NPP RK Atameken Lyazat Shonaeva, Deputy Department of TIPO MES RK Ernat Zhunusov and Deputy Director of the Department of Development of the State Financing of Education AO Financial Center JSC Aynur Kadesova told about the planned changes in the educational system. About how the process will be carried out and paid for mentoring. The meeting was attended by over 30 employers and directors of educational institutions.

Note that at the suggestion of NPP RK "Atameken" and the employers themselves, mentoring is included in the legislation, a standard agreement on dual education was also approved. And already from the beginning of 2019, it is planned to introduce per capita funding in technical and vocational education institutions, and mentors to pay from 6 to 8 thousand tenge for each student. This will be an additional incentive for business, said Lyazzat Shonaeva, deputy director of the Human Capital Development Department of NCE RK.

“This is a complex, necessary and relevant question. Therefore, we have gathered today. It should also be borne in mind that when students undergo industrial training at an enterprise, the enterprise bears certain production costs. That is, equipment, materials are used. The college should keep this in mind and this item should also be included in per capita financing, ”she noted.

Today, the question is solved to whom colleges will pay: the employer or directly to the mentor himself.

“Mentoring should be tied to the enterprise, and not to a specific individual. Because production cycles are complex and different. And the mentor will not be alone. There will be several of them in different directions, ”the restaurateur Rustam Adamov, well-known in the city, expressed his opinion.

The Ministry of Education noted that a differentiated payment system for mentoring is being considered.

“There is a certain methodology, calculations of per capita financing, which reflect the payment of mentors. Some changes will be made to them. And the mentor will receive payment depending on the complexity of vocational training, ”continued Ainur Kadesova, Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of the State Financing Education System at Financial Center JSC.

By the way, the region has been experiencing personnel shortages in the restaurant, sewing business, engineering, and industrial sectors for many years. And the issue of training in such specialties is relevant.

It was noted at the meeting that the national qualification system has been adopted and implemented since 2012. However, today it is seriously "slipping". Entrepreneurs who work in the dual system of vocational education is not the first year, many questions arise. For example, the need to train specialists for enterprises on uniform tariff and qualification requirements.

At the meeting, there were many questions about training, the needs of enterprises for specialists, and those present also made their proposals on how to solve these problems.


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